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ColDefinition or helping upsert SP writing


Submitted on: 9/26/2002 11:22:42 PM
By: Pollus Brodeur 
Level: Intermediate
User Rating: Unrated
Compatibility:SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 7.0, SQL Server 6.5 and earlier

Users have accessed this article 640 times.

(About the author)
     Help programmers to easily build insert/update stored procedures. It will create almost all the TSQL code for you.

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---------------------------------------- -- ---------------------------------------- --------------------

Most of the stored procedures I was asked to write were simple select or insert/update queries. Let’s see an example of those queries on the pubs database.

This is a simple SELECT query

create proc titlesSelect
   @title_id tid = null
   if @title_id is null
      select * from dbo.titles
      select * from dbo.titles where title_id = @title_id
create proc titlesUpsert
   @title_id tid,
   @title varchar(80),
   @type char(12),
   @pub_id char(4),
   @price money,
   @advance money,
   @royalty int,
   @ytd_sales int,
   @notes varchar(200),
   @pubdate datetime
   if exists(select * from dbo.titles where title_id = @title_id)
      update dbo.titles
      set title = @title,
          type = @type,
          pub_id = @pub_id,
          price = @price,
          advance = @advance,
          royalty = @royalty,
          ytd_sales = @ytd_sales,
          notes = @notes,
          pubdate = @pubdate
      where title_id = @title_id
      insert into dbo.titles(title_id,title,type,pub_id,
      price,advance,royalty,ytd_sales,notes,pubdate) values(@title_id,@title,@type,@pub_id,

Those queries were easy to write but it took me a lot of time, especially the upsert one (upsert is a merge of insert and update) because I had to find the associated columns types for each variables for parameters declaration. Then write all the affectations in the update. Then all the insert into columns and then type the variables in the values enumeration. Now think of me when I was told that we wanted all the tables to have the same 2 SP. I was almost unhappy ! I could have write a VB application that could create all this for me but I wanted a tool inside SQL to help me write those SP. So I came up with the sp_ColDefinition which is now stored in the master database of our developpement server. The main reason for me to put this in the master database was that I could call it like sp_help. That means in every database without specifying full name (master.dbo.sp_ColDefinition) and it was easy to be called using the Customize in Query Analyser.

Now this tool, this sp_ColDefinition what does it do and how can it help me ?

sp_ColDefinition will use the metadata tables to create a table result that looks like this :

@title_id varchar(6),
@title varchar(80),
@type char(12),
@pub_id char(4),
@price money,
@advance money,
@royalty int,
@ytd_sales int,
@notes varchar(200),
@pubdate datetime(8),

(10 row(s) affected)

This result is in text mode but when in grid mode, you can select the colunm and paste it in the editor. Now you can understand that this is the parameters declaration. but other columns will help you with :

INSERT INTO, VALUES, SET and even SELECT to get a table select into variables.

How can I install this great tool on my server and test it ?

All you have to do is get a copy of the script at the end of the document and copy this in your SQL Query Analyser and run it (use F5)

Now to try it you can type :

sp__ColDefinition {tablename}.

replace tablename with a table you need and don't forget to type 2 underscores between sp and ColDefinition.

---------------------------------------- -- ---------------------------------------- --------------------

use master

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[sp__ColDefinition]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)
drop procedure [dbo].[sp__ColDefinition]
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[fn_SizePrecScale]') and xtype in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF'))
drop function [dbo].[fn_SizePrecScale]

CREATE function fn_SizePrecScale(
@Type varchar(50),
@Length int,
@Prec int,
@Scale int)
returns varchar(100)
DECLARE @RC varchar(100)

IF @Type in ('smalldatetime','datatime','text','image','bit','ntext','uniqueidentifier','bigint','int','smallint','tinyint','money','smallmoney')
SET @RC = @Type
ELSE IF @Type in('decimal','numeric')
SET @RC = @Type + '(' + cast(@Length as varchar) + ') [' + cast(@Prec as varchar) + ',' + cast(@Scale as varchar) + ']'
SET @RC = @Type + '(' + cast(@Length as varchar) + ')'


CREATE PROC dbo.sp__ColDefinition
@ObjectName sysname
DECLARE @xtype char(2)

SELECT @xtype = xtype FROM sysobjects WHERE name = @ObjectName

IF @xtype not in('U','FN','V','P')
RAISERROR ('L''objet n''existe pas dans le catalogue', 16, 1)

IF @xtype in ('U','V')
[DECLARE] = '@' + C.name + ' ' + dbo.fn_SizePrecScale(T.name,C.length,C.xprec,C.xscale) + ',',
C.name + ',' AS [INSERT INTO],
'@' + C.name + ',' AS [VALUES],
C.name + ' = @' + C.name + ',' AS [SET],
'@' + C.name + ' = ' + C.name + ',' AS [SELECT]
from sysobjects O, syscolumns C, systypes T
where O.id = C.id and C.xtype = T.xtype
and O.name = @ObjectName and T.xtype = T.xusertype
order by C.colorder
[DECLARE] = C.name + ' ' + dbo.fn_SizePrecScale(T.name,C.length,C.xprec,C.xscale) + ','
from sysobjects O, syscolumns C, systypes T
where O.id = C.id and C.xtype = T.xtype
and O.name = @ObjectName and T.xtype = T.xusertype
order by C.colorder

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Other User Comments
9/27/2002 3:26:34 AM:Anton Damhuis
Since you are using functions, it is not SQL 7 , nor SQL 6.5 and earlyer compatable. Otherwise it looks good.
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9/27/2002 1:34:26 PM:wiwiz
That's right ! It will not work with with SQL 7 or 6.5. The function still can be placed in the procedure as a computed column. Guest I make a second version soon.
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