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Submitted on: 5/14/2002 3:10:15 PM
By: somdutt ganguly 
Level: Intermediate
User Rating: By 20 Users

Users have accessed this article 6342 times.

(About the author)
     This is a great 50 pages notes/tutorials on pl/sql blocks, exception handling, procedures, functions, triggers, packages....u will learn all about advance procedure languages in oracle...There are about 50 programs....nice article i believe....plz do vote for my hard work...
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Other User Comments
5/25/2002 12:45:20 PM:priyank
Good examples..keep it up!!
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6/27/2002 1:34:51 AM:Joseph Gama
Excellent tutorial 5 stars
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7/5/2002 10:16:35 AM:hugues sicotte
short, to the point, lots of examples, short read. great job.
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