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The 15 minute WWW browser


Submitted on: 6/27/1997
By: Ian Ippolito (RAC)  
Level: Beginner
User Rating: By 5 Users
Compatibility:VB 4.0 (32-bit), VB 5.0, VB 6.0

Users have accessed this code 51232 times.

(About the author)
     It took Netscape months to create their first browser, and Microsoft wasnt able to follow up that trick until years later. But you can create a world wide web browser in less than 15 minutes, even if you are a Visual Basic novice! The following tutorial will show you how to create an Internet browser using the Microsoft Internet Control (part of Internet Explorer). My only caveat is that if you end up putting the big-boys out of the Internet business with your creation, that you give me a litle credit in your About box! ;)
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Terms of Agreement:   
By using this code, you agree to the following terms...   
1) You may use this code in your own programs (and may compile it into a program and distribute it in compiled format for languages that allow it) freely and with no charge.   
2) You MAY NOT redistribute this code (for example to a web site) without written permission from the original author. Failure to do so is a violation of copyright laws.   
3) You may link to this code from another website, but ONLY if it is not wrapped in a frame. 
4) You will abide by any additional copyright restrictions which the author may have placed in the code or code's description.

' Name: The 15 minute WWW browser
' Description:It took Netscape months to
'     create their first browser, and Microsof
'     t wasnt able to follow up that trick unt
'     il years later. But you can create a wor
'     ld wide web browser in less than 15 minu
'     tes, even if you are a Visual Basic novi
'     ce! The following tutorial will show you
'     how to create an Internet browser using 
'     the Microsoft Internet Control (part of 
'     Internet Explorer). My only caveat is th
'     at if you end up putting the big-boys ou
'     t of the Internet business with your cre
'     ation, that you give me a litle credit i
'     n your About box! ;)
' By: Ian Ippolito (RAC)
' Side Effects:If you are running Visual
'     Basic 5.0 or 6.0 the Microsoft Internet 
'     Controls are included with VB, so you do
'     n't need to do anything special to get t
'     hem. If you are running an older version
'     , you may still be able to get the contr
'     ols for free from Microsoft's site at ww
'     w.microsoft.com.
'This code is copyrighted and has' limited warranties.Please see http://w
'     ww.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/Sho
'     wCode.asp?txtCodeId=425&lngWId;=1'for details.'**************************************

1)Create a new Visual Basic project.
2)Add the Microsoft Internet Controls To your project. In 
VB6 you add new custom controls to a project by going to
the Project menu and choosing the Components sub-menu, and
choosing the control you want To add. In other versions of 
VB, consult your help on adding custom controls. The name 
of the custom control is: Microsoft Internet Control. This 
will add two icons To your toolbox. Place the one that 
looks like a globe (the Web Browser control) on your form 
by double-clicking it. This control will display the web 
page, so make sure you size it so that it looks presentable.
3)Next, place a text box On the upper portion of the form--
above the WebBrowser Control. This will be your browser's 
address bar. To complete the address bar, place a button 
Next To it. Change the Caption Property of the button to:&Go;

4)Now add the following code To your form: Private Sub Command1_Click()
WebBrowser1.Navigate Text1 End Sub
That is it! Run your project and Type www.microsoft.com into the text box and press the GO button. (Dont forget to start your Internet connection If its Not already up). The page will load and display just like a browser! Now that you have an idea of how simple the control is To use, you can take a little more time To create some more sophisticated functionality For your browser: 1)Since the world wide wait can be taxing On your browser users, you can create a status bar at the bottom of your form that lets them know how much of their page has loaded. You can use the following web browser events (see the Microsoft Internet Controls help file, If you need examples) WebBrowser1_DownloadBegin WebBrowser1_DownloadComplete WebBrowser1_ProgressChange 2)Create a menu system On your form--just like IE and Netscape. See the VB help If youve never done this before. You'll want To at least create &File; and &Exit.; 3)Create a combobox instead of a text box that remembers old URLs. 4)Let your imagination run wild! 5) For more features, check out the other browser submissions To this site. An outstanding example is:
http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=2628 6)Some other features created by other users: Passive Matrix(mailto:Passive_matrix@hotmail.com) Here are some helpful button commands... back button WebBrowser1.GoBack Forward button WebBrowser1.GoForward refresh WebBrowser1.Refresh stop WebBrowser1.Stop home WebBrowser1.Navigate ("www.cow.com") By William:mailto:wfloor@rendo.dekooi.nl An answer To the questions about the favorites and the bookmarks: 1) Make a commandbutton cmdAdd 2) Make a commandbutton cmdFav 3) Make a listbox lstFavs The code For cmdAdd: Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
FN = FreeFile Open "favs.txt" For Append As FN Print #FN, txtUrl.Text & Chr(13) Close #FN End Sub
The code For cmdFav: Private Sub
cmdFav_Click() On Error Resume Next FN = FreeFile Open "favs.txt" For Input As FN lstFavs.Visible = True Do Until EOF(FN) Line Input #FN, NextLine$ lstFavs.AddItem NextLine$ Loop
Close #FN End Sub
The code For lstFavs: Private Sub
lstFavs_Click() txtUrl.Text = lstFavs.List(lstFavs.ListIndex) txtUrl_KeyPress 13 lstFavs.Visible = False Close #FN End Sub
By:CheaTzZ mailto:cheatzz@xcheater.com To print: Private Sub printmenu_Click()
Dim eQuery As OLECMDF On Error Resume Next eQuery = WebBrowser1.QueryStatusWB(OLECMDID_PRINT) If Err.Number = 0 Then If eQuery And OLECMDF_ENABLED Then WebBrowser1.ExecWB OLECMDID_PRINT, OLECMDEXECOPT_PROMPTUSER, "", "" Else MsgBox "The Print command is currently disabled." End If
Else MsgBox "Print command Error: " & Err.Description End If
End Sub
====================== To open up new window: Private Sub WebBrowser1_NewWindow2(ppDisp As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next Dim frmWB As Form1 Set frmWB = New Form1 Set ppDisp = frmWB.WebBrowser1.Object frmWB.Visible = True Set frmWB = Nothing If you want To cancel the new window, Cancel = True. For a proper progressbar: Private Sub WebBrowser1_ProgressChange(ByVal
Progress As Long, ByVal ProgressMax As Long) On Error Resume Next ProgressBar1.Max = ProgressMax ProgressBar1.Value = Progress End Sub
To show the percentage: Progress * 100 / ProgressMax by: Bones mailto:kacantu@webaccess.net You can easily view the source of the webpage you're viewing by using 2 controls: A RichTextBox control, and the microsoft internet transfer control. If your internet transfer control is Inet1, and your Textbox is RichTextBox1, Then use the following code download and view a page's source: RichTextBox1.Text = Inet1.OpenURL(" address ") The address must be the valid URL of an .htm or .html file.

Other 73 submission(s) by this author


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Other User Comments
4/16/1999 10:41:00 PM:T. R. Kapoor
Good effort ! Keep it up !!
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

4/20/1999 3:55:00 PM:Frankie (FrEk)
WaT Iz ThE NaMe Of ThE VBX UsEd If I'm 
Using VB3?  
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4/20/1999 9:29:00 PM:Happydude
This rocks.
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4/22/1999 5:43:00 AM:Rodney Botelho
wow. your a genuis
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

4/26/1999 9:30:00 AM:Passive Matrix
Here are some helpful button 
back button 
Forward button
I would like to see 
something on how to do bookmarks.
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

4/26/1999 9:52:00 AM:Passive again
also might want  to put On error resume 
next. for example
Private Sub 
On Error Resume 
this way you will not get an 
error when the buttons are clicked more 
than once.
Also try adding a FTP 
client to your browser,  I will have a 
tutorial up on that soon. 
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

4/26/1999 2:33:00 PM:oCatt
The help file you need is 
It should be somewhere in 
your windows
To make a 
progress bar, use those 
Mr.Ippolito described.  The 
progress bar
is another ocx control 
you add to your form.
It has a Value 
property that can be set
from 0 to 
100.  Guess what it does :)
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

5/1/1999 7:44:00 PM:Ian Ippolito
If your Status bar is 
StatusBar1 and
your WebBrowser is 
WebBrowser1 then the code would 
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

5/9/1999 9:56:00 AM:Cosmin
That's work!
I'm so glad that now I 
have my Internet
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

5/14/1999 7:12:00 PM:Thomas
Sorry, the webbrowsercontrol is 
perfect. But you are not allowed to 
deliver it. The other way, deliver 
without the ocx needs to deliver the 
internet explorer with your program. 
so, it doesn't help you in the end. i 
apologise for my bad english, but i 
think you have to know this. my 
question: How can i get a browser for 
VB 5 Prof. without licenseproblems . 
thank you.
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

5/28/1999 12:43:00 PM:PhiLL
This is some GREAT code! Use it - very 
simple to use!
Check out my web site 
at: http://come.to/phill
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

6/7/1999 6:14:00 PM:Michael-Andrews
This Is The Best Thing I Have Seen 
Here!!!!!  :) Thanks!!!
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

6/12/1999 8:10:00 AM:Ian Ippolito
 The easiest way to do it is 
to just Install Internet Explorer on 
the end user's computer and not bother 
with the setup program.
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

6/12/1999 11:43:00 AM:Amitava Sen
Hi Ian,
      the programs real cool. 
But requires a couple of 
Overall the smallest code for 
a well performing program I have ever 
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

6/13/1999 12:14:00 PM:Devrishi Bhogra
Hi! Ian
People like you are rare 
Thanks for such compact 
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

6/16/1999 10:59:00 AM:William
An answer to the questions about the 
favorites and the bookmarks:
1) Make a 
commandbutton cmdAdd
2) Make a 
commandbutton cmdFav
3) Make a listbox 
The code for cmdAdd:
Sub cmdAdd_Click()
    FN = 
    Open "favs.txt" For 
Append As FN
    Print #FN, 
txtUrl.Text & Chr(13)
End Sub
The code for 
Private Sub 
    On Error Resume 
    FN = FreeFile
"favs.txt" For Input As FN
lstFavs.Visible = True
Until EOF(FN)
        Line Input #FN, 
End Sub
The code for 
Private Sub 
    txtUrl.Text = 
txtUrl_KeyPress 13
= False
    Close #FN
End Sub
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

6/17/1999 6:03:00 AM:William
lHey, its me again! If you have any 
questions about the source above, just 
e-mai me. I can send you the source, if 
you want to!
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

6/24/1999 2:28:00 PM:Bob
Hehehe...kewl. But you've said that it 
took Mircosoft a long time to build 
their webbrowser...ok. But you're using 
theirs! Try a right mouse click on the 
control during run time...
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

6/24/1999 9:40:00 PM:CheaTzZ
To print:
Private Sub 
    Dim eQuery As 
    On Error Resume Next
 eQuery = 
    If Err.Number = 0 Then
            MsgBox "The Print 
command is currently disabled."
 End If
"Print command Error: " & 
    End If
To open 
up new window:
Private Sub 
WebBrowser1_NewWindow2(ppDisp As 
Object, Cancel As Boolean)
Error Resume Next
    Dim frmWB As 
    Set frmWB = New Form1
 Set ppDisp = 
frmWB.Visible = True
    Set frmWB = 
If you want to cancel the 
new window, Cancel = True.
- CheaTzZ
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

6/24/1999 9:47:00 PM:CheaTzZ
For a proper progressbar:
Sub WebBrowser1_ProgressChange(ByVal 
Progress As Long, ByVal ProgressMax As 
    On Error Resume Next
ProgressBar1.Max = ProgressMax
ProgressBar1.Value = Progress
To show the 
Progress * 100 / 
- CheaTzZ
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6/24/1999 11:51:00 PM:Randy
Hey -
Kay, I Know The Location URL 
StatusBar1.Panels(1).Text = 
Well, When 
You Hover over a Link on The Website 
How Do You Display The Webpage Address 
of The Link You are Hovering 
Kay, Last Question. How Do You 
Display The Website's Title on The 
Titlebar, Example: Welcome To my Site - 
My Web Browser?
Is There Sum Kinda 
Help File For The Microsoft Internet 
Controls OCX?
Thanx and Write Back 
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

6/26/1999 1:32:00 PM:CheaTzZ
Randy, or anyone who wants to 
Private Sub 
WebBrowser1_StatusTextChange(ByVal Text 
As String)
StatusBar1.Panels(1).Text = Text
Private Sub 
WebBrowser1_TitleChange(ByVal Text As 
    Me.Caption = Text & " - 
End Sub
- CheaTzZ
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

6/29/1999 6:53:00 PM:Steve
On the contrary, I wrote a code that 
does convert it all, and it took me 
about a month to do.  The place I got 
stuck was tables.  Frames I even 
managed.  For the browser I used a 
richtextbox.  If there were frames I 
used more richtextboxes, with 
splitters.  But tables have me stumped 
with a richtextbox.  I have no idea how 
to do them in it.  Anyway, the code 
wasn't as fast as ie, or netscape, but 
then it's in vb, which by itself is far 
slower.  But overall, it does a pretty 
good job of displaying a webpage.  I 
did go one step beyond them in one 
aspect.  If you have ever looked at an 
older version of ie which didn't 
support tables it would just sort of 
show the table html, mine if it sees 
the table html just cuts it out of the 
html.  This of cource will totaly kill 
most pages with tables, but at least 
the page shows up.  Anyway, great 
source though.  I think you did a good 
job.  But it is just internet explorer 
thats doing the work.
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7/11/1999 7:37:00 AM:Bones
Randy asked how to view the source of a 
An HTML file is really just a 
plain text file
with a list of 
commands. If you re-open the 
you are viewing into a 
multi-line text box, you be
the source of the page.  So all you 
have to do
is re-open the webpage from 
your browser into the
multi-line text 
box of a new form (a BIG text box,
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

7/18/1999 12:14:00 AM:Bones
You can easily view the source of the 
webpage you're
viewing by using 2 
controls: A RichTextBox control,
the microsoft internet transfer 
If your internet transfer 
control is Inet1, and your
Textbox is 
RichTextBox1, then use the following 
download and view a page's 
RichTextBox1.Text = 
Inet1.OpenURL(" address ")
The address 
must be the valid URL of an .htm or 
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

7/20/1999 7:21:00 AM:Rod Sinclair
This Code Is Very Useful Even If it 
Does Use IE.  Thanks A Million 
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

7/24/1999 8:25:00 PM:Knut
For anyone who's interested, you can 
easily go to the home or search page 
registered on the system with the 
gohome and gosearch methods of the web 
browser control.  Other useful 
properties can also be found in the 
object browser.
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

7/28/1999 9:09:00 AM:Matrix
Who really cares if the browser is 
connect to IE, as long as we use it and 
have fun or get practice, it doesn't 
matter.  ;-)
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7/28/1999 5:11:00 PM:meiscow
yeah what does it matter if we have fun 
with it!! 
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7/29/1999 2:05:00 AM:Stefanos
Does anyone know how to zoom an html 
page in any size i want. For example 
resize the form with the webbrowser 
control and resize the fonts , the 
picture and etc in the page so that at 
any size i can see the whole page even 
with tiny fonts and pictures... like 
the new Opera browser does it...
looking for help...ian help...
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

8/2/1999 7:33:00 AM:Anders & Ron
Great Code!!!
This is realy 
Keep up the good work 
Anders & Ron
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

8/2/1999 11:01:00 PM:Tiggermcat
heres how it goes. I made a coll web 
browser and it wont work on anyones 
computer but ones with vb6.0. If i try 
on other computer it come up with an 
error with shdocvw.dll. HElp HElp Help.
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

8/5/1999 10:45:00 PM:Chad
Please help, I can not figure a way to 
get my progress bar to show progress.  
What am I doing wrong?
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

8/6/1999 3:58:00 AM:KnightCyrus
Tiggermcat what your problem is, is 
that you aren't providing some of the 
files that are needed, make it and 
install program that
way it will come 
with all the necicary files that it 
will need.
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

8/10/1999 2:36:00 PM:Arthur Chaparyan
You should change the name to 5 minute 
browser.  :-) Arthur
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8/20/1999 7:51:00 AM:Joe
Sigh...some people just aren't 
The browser control in 
this sample IS
IE. If you dont have IE 
installed it wont work.
Thats why the 
"shdocvw.dll" error message is 
appearing. You cant distribute the 
files to make it work, partly because 
your not allowed and partly because it 
just does not work.
The user MUST 
have IE installed or your code wont 
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8/29/1999 10:04:00 PM:VoiceOne
Awesome code!! How do you delete 
something from your favorites list 
though?... someone please help
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

9/3/1999 8:40:00 AM:Brian Searle
How do you change the font of an IE 
instance using the execwb method. I've 
tried and it doesn't work, can anyone 
explain how to do this?
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

9/3/1999 11:13:00 AM:Nicky
My browser doesn't work... can somebody 
send me their Project files? I use VB4 
and I'm a beginner
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

9/9/1999 8:30:00 AM:serene
Do u know any way in viewing a html 
page in a browser create by VB and then 
if the user highlight certain portion 
then that certain portion html code can 
be cut and paste into some other place. 
Just like what Frontpage can do . Can 
VB do that ?
Thanks if u can answer 
this questions ! 
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

9/10/1999 10:09:00 AM:ZerO Invasion
hello guys
this browser require proxy 
server for me
how can i add the proxy 
without it i can't surf
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9/11/1999 6:20:00 PM:frank
Great browser, keep it up guys...
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9/14/1999 8:40:00 AM:Zimm
Does anyone know how to add a FIND 
similar to the one on the Edit menu of 
IE.  I want to type in a word in a text 
box and click a button and have that 
word highlighted on the HTML page.  If 
anyone could help let me know.  Thanks
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

9/16/1999 12:39:00 PM:Tweaker
This is a longshot but I was wondering 
if anyone knows how to
make a 
directory listing of someone's website 
instead of loading
the default html 
like index.html.  Is it possible and if 
so how 
do you do it?
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

9/27/1999 8:24:00 PM:Mad scientist
Doing something crazy! 
You can upload 
your web proxy log or any other file 
with URL into an access database or ADO 
data-store. Now you hook up a ADO aware 
control like DataGrid and using a timer 
control go through each URL and have 
the IE control load the URL. You now 
have an automated web browser. You can 
even simulate the time  between URLs if 
you have your proxy log. We wrote one 
in house to support the crime 
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9/30/1999 11:26:00 AM:Louis
Not bad! i would like to see more on 
create bookmarks in browser.
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10/11/1999 9:19:00 AM:bobby
how can i make the viewing area 
scrollable because when i open it only 
a portion of the page is viewable not 
the whole page 
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10/12/1999 9:41:00 AM:DataBit
This is to the people that keep making 
the statement "You are just using IE". 
It is using IE most of us know that, 
but it is kind of like making your own 
"skin" for IE. That way you get to make 
it look however you want. I have made 
one that makes my job easier by having 
my favorites listed as buttons at key 
point. Or you can make you code 
skinable so that anyone can develope 
there own skins.  IE will not let you 
do that by default...
As for my 
question:  How do you make a History???
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10/12/1999 10:10:00 PM:snigdha
thank you very much for providing this 
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10/23/1999 12:29:00 AM:gLiTchEn
i luv the fact that i'm makin my own 
browser with the IE stuff, but i'm 
still stuck on trying to do a "View 
Source" on the menu for my browser. 
I've seen many codes for View Source, 
but none of them work for me... someone 
help???? pleez??? email me or post a 
reply here... =] thank you..
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

10/23/1999 12:32:00 AM:gLiTchEn
oh yeah, one more thing.... does 
anybody know how to make it so that 
when you click on a link on a page or 
on a bookmark the url of the new page 
shows up on the text box where the addy 
is supposed to go?
i'm tired of going 
to sites and not seeing their urls on 
my screen when i get there... =\
help with that too... thank you =]
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10/28/1999 8:38:00 PM:Daniel Errante
Ian you really found out how to get 
tons of users to get attracted to the 
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

11/7/1999 4:56:00 PM:phil
anybody know how to make a button that 
opens a dialog so u can send email?
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

11/12/1999 6:29:00 PM:MB
DataBit makes a good point. This seems 
to be exactly what NeoPlanet did. Why 
else would you need IE 4.0+ to run it.
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11/12/1999 11:56:00 PM:phil
i need help on making "smart" buttons 
on my browser, meaning that they 
disable when they should and enable 
when they should and show diabled and 
enabled pictures when they should.
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11/15/1999 5:36:00 PM:Daniel Errante
If you want to start a mail message 
window, type:
Shell "Start.exe 
mailto:" & "emailaddresshere", 0
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12/15/1999 6:05:15 AM:Alberto
Anyone knows how to find a text in a 
page (like the Edit/Find option in 
I've tried this with the web 
browser but is always disabled.
webVisualizador.ExecWB OLECMDID_COPY, 
  MsgBox "Find is not enabled"
I've also tried to pass the focus 
to the web browser, but still is 
Any idea?
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

12/16/1999 10:12:34 AM:Peter Loft Jensen
Hello there!
I would like to know, 
if it's possible to make a function, 
that can for example remove a banner, 
or just some few lines of HTML 
If looked almost all 
places, but can't get it to work, or 
find a source that can do the 
Please help!
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12/22/1999 3:27:31 PM:GregC
To have the browser view source, just 
like IE's does - in Notepad - put this 
code in your mnuViewSource_Click event 
(or whatever you've called the 
"view-source:" & 
To have a 
history, use a combo box for the 
address line, not a text box.  When the 
user navigates to a new URL, add that 
URL to the combo box.  You might want 
to do a check and make sure you're not 
adding an address that's already been 
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12/25/1999 4:38:10 PM:Adam Scott
I havn't downloaded your browser so i 
don't know if it has a combo bar , but 
if it does I hate when you can't get 
pervious locations that you have been 
to just won't go away and you can't 
delete them, so i think you sould make 
a special options button where you can 
remove those locations...
So use 
this code to do it:
I think alot of people would 
like that on their web browsers.
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12/26/1999 4:42:23 AM:sad
Who made the OCX.....yep MicroSoft.
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1/5/2000 4:08:14 PM:Dan
All I get is error 
WebBrowser1.Navigate Text1
followed the quick instructions and for 
me--no winsock program I make works.
did control t then microsoft winsock 
controls 6.0
I'm using VB 6.0
going on?!?
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1/5/2000 8:21:49 PM:Nemesis
Everyone keeps saying that its using 
IE...there's an easy way to change 
that...make a popupmenu on a different 
form, then use the RBUTTONDOWN API 
call, and make the popupmenu come up on 
that event...peace
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1/17/2000 12:16:03 PM:jammer
I filally foud the microsoft internet 
control so now i can make a browser in 
vb4 thanks for the code.
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1/19/2000 6:29:32 PM:Ernst van Vliet
Nice, but I do have a little 
I think it's fine to show 
the possibility of using the IE 
I'm just bothered by the 
opening text stating that 
you have 
achieved in 15 minutes something that 
the Netscape and Microsoft guys 
very long to do...
Fact is, the 15 
minutes is made possible to you 
of the years of work done by 
those guys
It just doesn't sound right 
to me.
Maybe it's just your 
eye-catcher, but still..
in my 
opinion, you should have used something 
'creating a customized 
web-brouwser' as theme
I just need 
to get this off my chest...
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2/3/2000 2:59:08 PM:'lok
i know you guys love this but here is 
my "make a web browser in 30 seconds 
flat" click add form choose web browser 
delete any other forms change mdi child 
to false change startup object 
frmBrowser and you are done
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6/29/2000 1:29:14 PM:Zymatic
I am having trouble getting the back 
anf foward buttons code to work I have 
tried all the examples here but it 
gives me a Run-Time error 424 - Object 
Reguired.  can you help me?  
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10/24/2000 3:29:37 PM:Herb Riede
This code is functional but is getting 
outdated. There are MANY other 
WebBrowser examples on this site now, 
since this one was posted in 1997. 
There are also MULTIPLE bugs in the 
webbrowser control (WHICH IS IE), and 
despite what others have said above, 
YOU CAN distribute the supporting files 
(SHDocVw) IF you get an IE Customized 
Distribution license.
There is also 
a beta work going on elsewhere on the 
'net for a Mozilla control...
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1/20/2001 2:37:32 AM:adam@adamz.co.uk
Will anyone send me the VBCBT.hlp file 
for Microsoft VB V.0 
For some reason it 
can't find it :(???
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8/3/2001 10:45:33 PM:§inister Ministe®
Id ask for a hint in the right 
direction if this isnt the best any 
more, but i dont know if any1 looks at 
this,last post on jan, now aug, if any1 
has a decent browser code, (with pop up 
disable) could u mail me it plz plz plz
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12/7/2001 2:43:58 PM:Coding Genius
Wait a minute..117 votes? Look at the 
voting log. I see 2. And how did you 
manage to get 5 and a half when the max 
is 5 I wonder? Somebody consult 
the...oh wait he is the...Has MR 
Ippolito been playing fair I wonder? 
And look at his other submissions. heh 
heh :) (I like the way he thinks. 
Reminds me of me)
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2/4/2002 1:20:05 PM:Boff
Does ne1 no how to add a netscape nav 
browser instead of ie?  ne ideas? email 
me @ boff74656@yahoo.com
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