UNKNOWN '************************************** ' Name: The 15 minute WWW browser ' Description:It took Netscape months to ' create their first browser, and Microsof ' t wasnt able to follow up that trick unt ' il years later. But you can create a wor ' ld wide web browser in less than 15 minu ' tes, even if you are a Visual Basic novi ' ce! The following tutorial will show you ' how to create an Internet browser using ' the Microsoft Internet Control (part of ' Internet Explorer). My only caveat is th ' at if you end up putting the big-boys ou ' t of the Internet business with your cre ' ation, that you give me a litle credit i ' n your About box! ;) ' By: Ian Ippolito (RAC) ' ' ' Inputs:None ' ' Returns:None ' 'Assumes:None ' 'Side Effects:If you are running Visual ' Basic 5.0 or 6.0 the Microsoft Internet ' Controls are included with VB, so you do ' n't need to do anything special to get t ' hem. If you are running an older version ' , you may still be able to get the contr ' ols for free from Microsoft's site at ww ' w.microsoft.com. 'This code is copyrighted and has limite ' d warranties. 'Please see http://www.Planet-Source-Cod ' e.com/xq/ASP/txtCodeId.425/lngWId.1/qx/v ' b/scripts/ShowCode.htm 'for details. '************************************** 1)Create a new Visual Basic project. 2)Add the Microsoft Internet Controls to your project. In VB6 you add new custom controls to a project by going to the Project menu and choosing the Components sub-menu, and choosing the control you want to add. In other versions of VB, consult your help on adding custom controls. The name of the custom control is: Microsoft Internet Control. This will add two icons to your toolbox. Place the one that looks like a globe (the Web Browser control) on your form by double-clicking it. This control will display the web page, so make sure you size it so that it looks presentable. 3)Next, place a text box on the upper portion of the form-- above the WebBrowser Control. This will be your browser's address bar. To complete the address bar, place a button next to it. Change the Caption property of the button to:&Go; 4)Now add the following code to your form: Private Sub Command1_Click() WebBrowser1.Navigate Text1 End Sub That is it! Run your project and type www.microsoft.com into the text box and press the GO button. (Dont forget to start your Internet connection if its not already up). The page will load and display just like a browser! Now that you have an idea of how simple the control is to use, you can take a little more time to create some more sophisticated functionality for your browser: 1)Since the world wide wait can be taxing on your browser users, you can create a status bar at the bottom of your form that lets them know how much of their page has loaded. You can use the following web browser events (see the Microsoft Internet Controls help file, if you need examples) WebBrowser1_DownloadBegin WebBrowser1_DownloadComplete WebBrowser1_ProgressChange 2)Create a menu system on your form--just like IE and Netscape. See the VB help if youve never done this before. You'll want to at least create &File; and &Exit.; 3)Create a combobox instead of a text box that remembers old URLs. 4)Let your imagination run wild! 5) For more features, check out the other browser submissions to this site. An outstanding example is: http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=2628 6)Some other features created by other users: Passive Matrix(mailto:Passive_matrix@hotmail.com) Here are some helpful button commands... back button WebBrowser1.GoBack Forward button WebBrowser1.GoForward refresh WebBrowser1.Refresh stop WebBrowser1.Stop home WebBrowser1.Navigate ("www.cow.com") By William:mailto:wfloor@rendo.dekooi.nl An answer to the questions about the favorites and the bookmarks: 1) Make a commandbutton cmdAdd 2) Make a commandbutton cmdFav 3) Make a listbox lstFavs The code for cmdAdd: Private Sub cmdAdd_Click() FN = FreeFile Open "favs.txt" For Append As FN Print #FN, txtUrl.Text & Chr(13) Close #FN End Sub The code for cmdFav: Private Sub cmdFav_Click() On Error Resume Next FN = FreeFile Open "favs.txt" For Input As FN lstFavs.Visible = True Do Until EOF(FN) Line Input #FN, NextLine$ lstFavs.AddItem NextLine$ Loop Close #FN End Sub The code for lstFavs: Private Sub lstFavs_Click() txtUrl.Text = lstFavs.List(lstFavs.ListIndex) txtUrl_KeyPress 13 lstFavs.Visible = False Close #FN End Sub By:CheaTzZ mailto:cheatzz@xcheater.com To print: Private Sub printmenu_Click() Dim eQuery As OLECMDF On Error Resume Next eQuery = WebBrowser1.QueryStatusWB(OLECMDID_PRINT) If Err.Number = 0 Then If eQuery And OLECMDF_ENABLED Then WebBrowser1.ExecWB OLECMDID_PRINT, OLECMDEXECOPT_PROMPTUSER, "", "" Else MsgBox "The Print command is currently disabled." End If Else MsgBox "Print command Error: " & Err.Description End If End Sub ====================== To open up new window: Private Sub WebBrowser1_NewWindow2(ppDisp As Object, Cancel As Boolean) On Error Resume Next Dim frmWB As Form1 Set frmWB = New Form1 Set ppDisp = frmWB.WebBrowser1.Object frmWB.Visible = True Set frmWB = Nothing If you want to cancel the new window, Cancel = True. For a proper progressbar: Private Sub WebBrowser1_ProgressChange(ByVal Progress As Long, ByVal ProgressMax As Long) On Error Resume Next ProgressBar1.Max = ProgressMax ProgressBar1.Value = Progress End Sub To show the percentage: Progress * 100 / ProgressMax by: Bones mailto:kacantu@webaccess.net You can easily view the source of the webpage you're viewing by using 2 controls: A RichTextBox control, and the microsoft internet transfer control. If your internet transfer control is Inet1, and your Textbox is RichTextBox1, then use the following code download and view a page's source: RichTextBox1.Text = Inet1.OpenURL(" address ") The address must be the valid URL of an .htm or .html file.