Brief introduction to user defined functions with examples and benefits explained.
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Brief introduction to User Defined Functions
What is a user defined function?
User defined functions are very simular to stored procedures.
Rather then returning recordsets, they can only return variables.
They are also limited to the types of variables you may return.
For example - text, ntext, and image datatypes can not be returned.
Ok, so how would it benefit me?
The magic of user defined functions is that you can use them in
SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, & SET statments. You can use them in triggers
and other places. Somehow I get the idea that you are scratching your
head still asking "What is it?". Let me show you a small example.
SELECT UserID, dbo.FullName(UserID) FROM Users
In this example, the function is called FullName.
As you may have guessed, the function returns the full name
of the user within the record.
How would I make a function?
Glad you asked. When you open your database in the SQL Server
Enterprise Manager, one of the nodes available will state "User
Defined Functions". I usually do a right-mouse-click and click on
A default template may appear ...
RETURNS (return_type_spec) AS
This function is not valid nor helpful. It doesn't even pass when you click on
the button "Check Syntax".
It took me a good amount of
research along with trial & error before I got the gist of what was going
So how about a demonstration?
Right O! Lets go with creating the "FullName" function.
Here is my code:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[FullName] (@UserID int)
RETURNS varchar(255)
@FullName = @FirstName + ' ' + @LastName
[UserID] = @UserID
So first, you can see that the parameter list has been changed to pass
a Integer variable called UserID. You can add more parameters as long as
you seperate them with a comma.
Next we see that the return type, and the parethesies around it has been
replaced with a datatype "varchar(255)". You are not limited to varchars alone.
Just about any type of datatype is available except cursors, records, and
datatypes with pointers (text, ntext, image, etc.).
If you look at the very bottom, you will see "Return(@FullName)". This
is where we return the results to the query that called the function.
And within the BEGIN and END statements, we have the body of the function.
Closing Comments
The demonstration here is very inefficient. It is here only as a reference
to get you started. Defining your own functions allows more complex business
logic & formatting to be possible. Consider the ability to pass in a piece of
text of 4000 characters long and inserting HTML links on specific keywords.
Another idea would be to perform lookups on multiple tables and return a value
that best suites your query.
3/3/2002 4:14:56 PM:James Travis I give it a 5 but do have the following
you should consider adding. SQL does
require the ownername.functionname to
use the function. You cannot drop off
the object owner name and dbo is not
considered default. The reason can be
found it SQL Books Online.
3/3/2002 11:24:36 PM:Lewis Moten Thanks. I wasn't sure if I should
mention it or not. I was thinking that
the exmple showing the owner in the
select query would help people get off
to a good start and let them learn on
there own.
3/4/2002 9:21:34 AM:Rasputin Lewis,
I do not know what motivates
you to give so much, but I am glad to
see that an ungrateful world has not
stopped you.
I always look forward to
your contributions here on PSC. There
are not enought high quality
contributors to PSC, so THANK YOU, and
please keep up the great
- Ras
3/5/2002 2:30:00 AM:Ewald Isn't this functionality for SQL Server
3/7/2002 10:11:26 PM:Nazer Mohamed MS-SQL 7.0 doesn't have the 'Function'
future. It is only for SQL-2000
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