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Handling delimited strings in T-SQL


Submitted on: 2/19/2002 4:06:37 AM
By: Harinatha Reddy Gorla 
Level: Intermediate
User Rating: By 2 Users
Compatibility:SQL Server 7.0

Users have accessed this article 1576 times.

(About the author)
     There may be cases where you want to work with delimited strings in T-SQL. Following two examples will cover most of the stuff that you will face while working with strings.

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Find the count of words in a comma delimited string:
declare @mystring varchar(200)
set @mystring="vb,asp,sqlserver,html"
select (len(@mystring)-len(replace(@mystring,',',''))+1)
Parsing the delimited string:
--variable i is for current and j for pr
--     evious locations
DECLARE @mystring varchar(255), @myword varchar(50)
DECLARE @i int,@j int
SELECT @mystring = 'vb,asp,sqlserver,html'
SELECT @i = 0,@j = 0
IF SUBSTRING (@mystring, LEN (@mystring), 1) <> ','
     SELECT @mystring = @mystring + ','

SELECT @i = CHARINDEX (',', @mystring, @i + 1) WHILE @i > 0 BEGIN SELECT @myword = SUBSTRING (@mystring, @j+1, (@i - @j) -1) SELECT @myword SELECT @j = @i SELECT @i = CHARINDEX (',' , @mystring, @i + 1) END

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