| | Submitted on: 12/9/2001 6:28:44 PM
By: Jared Bruni
Level: Beginner User Rating:
By 21 Users Compatibility:C++ (general), Microsoft Visual C++
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| | MasterConsole 3, make console programs for this program in C and C++. | | | Terms of Agreement:
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MasterConsole 3
MasterConsole is a MasterX application
that lets you code programs for it in C
and C++
Built in Commands
please note case sensitivity
flush - The flush command takes 0 arguments, and clears the buffer
about - The about command takes 0 arguments, and display the about message
time - The time command takes 0 arguments, and displays the time
:) - The :) command takes 0 arguments and displays a happy message
add - The add command takes 2 arguments, adds the numbers together and displays the result
sub - The sub command takes 2 arguments, subtracts the numbers and displays the result
mul - The mul command takes 2 arguments, and multiplys the numbers togehter
div - The div command takes 2 arguments, and dividies them and displays the result
dump - The dump command takes 1 argument, and that is of the file to dump the buffer data to
settextcolor The settextcolor command takes 1 argument that being a color ( white , green , red, blue, black )
setbkcolor The setbkcolor command takes 1 argument that being a color (white, green, red, blue, black )
pause - The pause command, pauses until a key is pressed. Similar to system("pause");
lost - The lost message is displayed
echo - The echo command, causes whatever you typed to be repeated
batch - The batch commad, takes one argument that of the batch file to proccess. Simply make a text file, and on each line put one command, and it will batch proccess them.
exit - The exit command takes 0 arguments, and terminates the application>
Well here it is, a header file called masterstream which you can use to create console applications that run under masterconsole with C++. It is fairly similar to iostream , however is different in many respects. Below is a code snipit of a simple masterstream application.
int mastermain(char* argument) {
console << "hello world" << endl;
console.pause(); return(0); }
comes with source code, as well as a app skeleton to write your own programs for the console (masterstream)
a MasterX Console program MXC FTP written by Lee Trager
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See Voting Log | | Other User Comments | 12/9/2001 6:45:13 PM:bO nice one again J!!!!
| 12/9/2001 6:51:45 PM:Jared Bruni ps to call another application, use the
following syntax
call program.exe
| 12/9/2001 9:14:23 PM:Lee Trager nice. ill code more stuff for
MasterConsole soon.
| 12/9/2001 9:20:38 PM:Lee Trager MXC FTP works on this version. yay!!!
| 12/11/2001 12:07:37 PM:Jared Bruni yeah it was mostly internal updates I
changed, but it still is backwards
compaible with the older programs
| 12/11/2001 7:34:48 PM:KingZumby dude jared, ur a fu-ck-ing maniack! i
could swear ur stealing all ur ideas
from God himself (even tho im
athiest)... ALL 5's FROM ME BUDDY! w00t!
| 12/11/2001 8:58:52 PM:Deslock Cool work again Jared !!
you still
rock this planet =)
| 12/12/2001 6:43:44 PM:Lee Trager lol @ kingzumby
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