| | Submitted on: 5/26/2002 5:18:43 PM
By: Jared Bruni
Level: Intermediate User Rating:
By 11 Users Compatibility:C++ (general), Microsoft Visual C++, Borland C++, UNIX C++
Users have accessed this article 961 times. | (About the author) |
| | Explains namespaces. | |
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Namespace tutorial
A namespace groups together variables, functions, and classes. It is a mechanizim, for expressing logical grouping. For example, the functions for a string library, could be placed in a namespace called string.
namespace string {
void strcpy(char* source, char* from);
void strcat(char* source, char* from);
int strlen(char* source);
void string::strcpy(char* source, char* from)
void string::strcat(char* source, char* from)
int string::strlen(char* source)
return (0);
A namespace can contain functions, variables, and classes. When you wish to use a namespace you can use the statement, using namespace name; to allow the aspects of that namespace to be accessed without specificly specifying there namespace.
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Other User Comments |
5/27/2002 12:33:51 PM:Merlin Corey Heh, I did something simalar... Your
tutorial is cut off - it seems to end
at "A namespace can contain functions,
variables, and cla"...
5/27/2002 12:34:51 PM:Merlin Corey *similar* ;)
5/27/2002 5:53:05 PM:Jared Bruni ok *fixed* it
5/27/2002 6:48:59 PM:Jimmy Murphy hey you seem to know alot and be good
at C++...how much money do you make a
5/27/2002 8:20:53 PM:David Fritts Jared, got aim? Message me if you do or
go download it then message me:
Nulled0x00 is my s/n i got some
questions to ask you ;p
5/27/2002 9:49:29 PM:Jared Bruni my screen name is xmasterxx3 on aim
5/28/2002 12:53:09 AM:TRON Nice article, I've learned something
from this at least =)
7/21/2002 2:19:36 AM:Alok Gupta good work sir pls eamil me,u are
great,and talking to great people is
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