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Another way to Upload

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Submitted on: 3/3/2001 11:11:54 AM
By: Steve Oliver  
Level: Beginner
User Rating: By 5 Users
Compatibility:PHP 4.0

Users have accessed this code 11672 times.
(About the author)
     Uploads up to 5 files user PHP, works perfectly on win32 servers such as IIS or Apache for windows. Demonstrates the use of copy(), functions, and switch operators.
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By using this code, you agree to the following terms...   
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    // Name: Another way to Upload
    // Description:Uploads up to 5 files use
    //     r PHP, works perfectly on win32 servers 
    //     such as IIS or Apache for windows. Demon
    //     strates the use of copy(), functions, an
    //     d switch operators.
    // By: Steve Oliver
    // Inputs:$destination should be set to 
    //     where you want the files uploaded to.
    //This code is copyrighted and has    // limited warranties.Please see http://
    //     eId.285/lngWId.8/qx/vb/scripts/ShowCode.
    //     htm    //for details.    //**************************************
    function uploadProg($filename1,$filename1_name,$filename2,$filename2_name,$filename3,$filename3_name,$filename4,$filename4_name,$filename5,$filename5_name){
    ########Set the destination here##############
    echo "<h1>File(s) Uploaded...</h1>";
    echo "<b>$filename1_name was uploaded succesfully.</b><br>";
    echo "<b>$filename2_name was uploaded succesfully.</b><br>";
    echo "<b>$filename3_name was uploaded succesfully.</b><br>";
    echo "<b>$filename4_name was uploaded succesfully.</b><br>";
    echo "<b>$filename5_name was uploaded succesfully.</b><br><br>";
    echo "<a href=\"upload.php\">Click here to go back.</a>";
    function main(){?>
    <form method="post" action="upload.php" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    Files to Upload:<br>
    <input type="file" name="filename1" size="20" tabindex="1"><br>
    <input type="file" name="filename2" size="20" tabindex="2"><br>
    <input type="file" name="filename3" size="20" tabindex="3"><br>
    <input type="file" name="filename4" size="20" tabindex="4"><br>
    <input type="file" name="filename5" size="20" tabindex="5"><br>
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="uploadProg">
    <input type="submit" value="Upload Files" tabindex="6">
    switch ($action){
    case "uploadProg":
    if ($filename1=="none") {echo("<h1>No File Selected....</h1>"); break;}

Other 4 submission(s) by this author


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Other User Comments
6/27/2001 2:19:47 PM:Phil Essing
Thanks for the code, Steve!  It was 
very easy to customize and implement.  
I have one question, though:  will this 
upload module work with any file 
extention and size?  I ask this because 
the process always fails with large (2 
meg, for example) files.
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7/15/2001 6:11:11 PM:David Overcash
if the code fails to upload somthing, 
and it tends to show up with larger 
size files that could either be a 
setting by the server or there is not 
enough allocated memory on the server 
to complete a copy task of that size...
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

10/9/2001 5:02:25
I'm having one Warning message, 
please see above.
Warning: Undefined 
variable: action in 
C:\WebMaster3\Script\PHP\Another way to 
Upload.php on line 47
What do I do 
to fix this message ?
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4/25/2002 7:40:07 PM:Moumen
where can i paste this script please 
someone help me. please
i need to 
let users upload for me mp3s and 
download i have a server 24 hours daily 
open with 120 gigabyte.
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7/11/2002 12:54:55 PM:chris
i'm very new in php. So, I need to save 
this copy-and-paste code wherever is 
the name of file, isn't it? And how 
about the upload.php file in the 
help me. just a beginner. tYou
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7/26/2002 2:46:28 PM:Jeffrey Cook
I downloaded your "Another way to 
Upload" code and I can't get it to 
work. Should I have to install another 
module that works with your code? I get 
errors pertaining to undefined 
variables that you use in the form. The 
PHP code is not seeing those variables 
at all. Can you assist me please?
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

8/8/2002 10:17:26
Hi, I like u code it vvery nice and 
straight forward.
I am kinda new to 
php coudl u show me an example how i 
can upload file to through http to a 
remote server for example
thank a 
my email
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