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Extending The BrowseForFolder Class


Submitted on: 5/15/2002 12:54:38 AM
By: Charles Chadwick  
Level: Beginner
User Rating: By 9 Users

Users have accessed this article 9071 times.

(About the author)
     Simply adding a few more options to the BrowseForFolder class submitted by Chris Anderson.

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Extending The Browse For Folder Dialog Class

This code is simpily extending the Browse For Folder Dialog class that was on posted on PSC by Chris Andersen. After using his code, I was interested in knowing if there was any additional options available aside from just being able to set the title. I consulted the MSDN and this is what I came up with. The above screen shot is showing the Browse For Folder dialog with StartLocation set to "MyDocuments" and Style set to "BrowseForEverything"


The directory in which the browse dialog will start at. (duh) I haven't found a way to specifiy a certain path, like C:\PSC or something of that nature, but there are a number of members that we can use. They are:
  • Desktop
  • Favorites
  • MyComputer
  • MyDocuments
  • MyPictures
  • NetAndDialUpConnections
  • NetworkNeighborhood
  • Printers
  • Recent
  • SendTo
  • StartMenu
  • Templates


They style of the browse dialog. We have a few different options to choose from.
  • BrowseForComputer
  • BrowseForEverything
  • BrowseForPrinter
  • RestrictToDomain
  • RestrictToFilesystem
  • RestrictToSubfolders
  • ShowTextBox

The Code

Here's an example of how to use the above methods in the Browse For Folder dialog.

    using System;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.Windows.Forms.Design;
    public class BrowseForFolder : FolderNameEditor 
    	FolderNameEditor.FolderBrowser bDialog;
    	public BrowseForFolder()
    		bDialog = new FolderNameEditor.FolderBrowser(); 
    	public string browseDialog(string sTitle)
    		bDialog.Description = sTitle;
    		bDialog.StartLocation = FolderNameEditor.FolderBrowserFolder.MyComputer;
    		bDialog.Style = FolderNameEditor.FolderBrowserStyles.RestrictToDomain;
    		return bDialog.DirectoryPath;


To use this class, make sure you add a reference to System.Design.DLL. Call the class like so:

    BrowseForFolder myDialog = new BrowseForFolder();
    MessageBox.Show(myDialog.browseDialog("Dialog Title Goes Here");
It's pretty simple. Thanks again to Chris Anderson for the original code.

Other 2 submission(s) by this author


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Other User Comments
5/15/2002 10:07:35 AM:Chris Andersen
Hey cool. I did something useful for a change. :p
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5/16/2002 4:14:21 AM:D. de Haas
Very usefull...:-) 5 from me to you both.
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7/26/2002 3:17:03 AM:Eirik
Very usefull code, but it has one minor problem. It has no ability if the user pressed [OK] or [Cancel]. Other than that it's very clean and usefull.
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11/8/2002 10:01:18 PM:
When I tried this it did not show the tree that shows the folders. It did show the buttons and the text box though. Any suggestions?
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11/18/2002 9:07:56 PM:
I found that the code works great, it did exactly what I needed it to. It then wouldn't display the folders box anymore. I played around with it and found that icons on the form were causing the problem. Either using an imagelist or image property of a control. Haven't figured out how to get around that though.
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12/10/2002 6:09:50 PM:
I was trying to use your code example for browsing for computers. It seems I had to modify the FolderNameEditor.privateOptions to "BrowseForComputer" before it would give me the correct dialog. As well, I could not get it to return me the name of the computer just selected. "DirectoryPath" is always empty. Also MSDN says not to invoke FolderNameEditor class directly in your code. Don't quite understand that warning since you obviously used it.
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2/24/2003 3:14:17 PM:nfs
Nice coding. Vote of Excellent from me. Hi, Do you want to make money with your programming skills ? Software Objects provide following services : 1)Sell your software. 2)Post a software to be done. 3)Bid on the software projects. 4)Buy software Thanks and have a nice day. Software Objects http://www.thesoftwareobjects.c om
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3/12/2003 7:25:03 AM:
Hi, You didn't have to look at MSDN for this, the intellisense shows all properties that you can use. Anyway, just a remark, the showdialog method returns a dialogresult value so you can determine if the user pressed OK or cancel. Use dlgResult = bDialog.Showdialog() I also found that you can only create a new class and inherit from the FolderNameEditor class. You can't use this directly from within a form. (correct me if i'm wrong, please) Greetings,
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3/24/2003 10:49:56 AM:
Browse for computer did not return my computer name. please help
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3/24/2003 10:51:07 AM:
browse for computer does not return the computer name
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

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