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How to connect SQL Server 7.0 to Informix


Submitted on: 8/23/2000 8:35:17 AM
By: Artur Angielski 
Level: Intermediate
User Rating: By 2 Users
Compatibility:SQL Server 7.0, Informix

Users have accessed this article 8525 times.
     This article is providing information how to connect your SQL Server database to Informix database, and how to use queries exchanging data between Informix and SQL. It also might be helpfull, when you need connection to other ODBC sources.

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SQL Server 7.0 is capable to work in heterogenious IT enterprise environment. Although configuration of data exchange between Informix and SQL is not very complicated, I had some problems to complete it, because of confusing error messages comming from SQL Server.

Necessary steps for configuring connection:

1. Install Informix drivers for ODBC on your machine, that will be used for connection. The source of that driver is Informix-CLI package (for example).

2. Using Informix SetNet32 configure your connection to Informix database. You have to specify your environment, server information and host information (see tabs on SetNet32). You need to know what is the name of service for Informix - if it is not specified in "services" file (in Windows or Winnt directory), you have to contact your Informix database administrator.

3. Then, using ODBC Data Source Administrator, configure ODBC connection to your Informix database (of course, that database must exist on Informix server, and also you have to have account on that host). Be sure to specify your login name and password in that connection. You can verify your connection using Informix "ILogin 32 Demo" which cannot return any error message. You can also use Excell for example, and connect to database using your ODBC connection.

All other steps must be completed in Query Analiser (SQL Server):

4. Be sure that you have logged in as 'sa' or other user with administration rights, and you have using 'master' database. Execute following statement:

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver

@server = 'PNDON7', -- defined in

-- SetNet32 on tab 'Server information',

-- field 'Informix Server'

@provider = 'MSDASQL', -- DO NOT CHANGE !

@datasrc = 'base_x', -- name of the

-- ODBC connection defined in step 3

@srvproduct = 'Informix-CLI 2.5 (32 bit)'

-- depends on version you have

You have to see 'Server added.' message, which means succes. NOTE: this message dosn't mean that your linked server is configured correctly, it only means that you have added it to the SQL Server!

5. Now, you have to map logins from SQL server to logins on Informix server. Execute statement:

EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'PNDON7', 'false', 'sa', 'login_name', 'password'

You have to put your machine login name and password of course.

Now you are ready to execute your SQL queries, using following syntax:

SELECT * FROM PNDON7.base_x.table_owner.table_name

Here is stored procedure "inf", which might be usefull because it prints owner of given table.

CREATE PROCEDURE inf @base varchar(30), @table varchar(40)


DECLARE @spbody nvarchar(2000)



SET @spbody=N'SELECT tabname, owner FROM PNDON7.' + CONVERT(nvarchar(20),@base) + '.informix.systables

WHERE tabname LIKE ''%'+@table+'%'''

EXEC sp_executesql @spbody


There might be necessarry to install Service Pack 2 for SQL Server 7.0. It is probably possible to execute stored procedures on Informix - you have to configure your linked server in 'Security' tree in MMC. Steps 4 and 5 may also be completed using MMC.

Good luck.


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Other User Comments
9/21/2000 5:53:00 AM:Nigel Callahan
Have you ever got the OLEDB API to work through linked servers. I can use DTS but not heterogenious queries. The setup seems critical.
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5/25/2001 10:04:40 AM:Daniel DeMoura
Is it possible to extend the DMO with setup?
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12/11/2001 9:41:57 AM:Mark Samuels
How does one find the name of service for informix
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