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Java Pie Chart

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Submitted on: 1/30/2001 10:03:55 PM
By: Mike McNaughton  
Level: Intermediate
User Rating: By 3 Users
Compatibility:Java (JDK 1.2), JavaScript

Users have accessed this code 14234 times.
(About the author)
     Just a cool pie chart... VOTE FOR ME ANYWAYS, please! :)
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// Name: Java Pie Chart
// Description:Just a cool pie chart... 
//     VOTE FOR ME ANYWAYS, please! :)
// By: Mike McNaughton
//This code is copyrighted and has// limited warranties.Please see http://
//     www.Planet-Source-Code.com/vb/scripts/Sh
//     owCode.asp?txtCodeId=2085&lngWId;=2//for details.//**************************************

/* Pie chart Applet */
/* this program is in the public domain. 
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.Math;
// =====================================
//     ===========================
// A struct class to hold data for one w
//     edge

    class PieItem {
    public double frac; // each one has a number
    public String label; // and a label
    PieItem (String s) { // constructor
    StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(s, ",");
    frac = Double.valueOf(t.nextToken()).doubleValue();
    label = t.nextToken();
} // constructor

} // PieItem
//The view of the pie. class PieView extends Canvas { PieItem[] wedges; // The data for the pie double total = 0.0; // Total of all wedges static final int ncolors = 5; Color wedgeColor[] = new Color[5]; int pieViewSize; // size of square to incise pie into static final int pieBorderWidth = 10; // pixels from circle edge to side int pieDiameter; // derived from the view size int pieRadius; // .. int pieCenterPos; // .. public PieView(int asize, PieItem[] avec) { // constructor this.pieViewSize = asize; // copy args this.wedges = avec; pieDiameter = pieViewSize-2*pieBorderWidth; pieRadius = pieDiameter/2; pieCenterPos = pieBorderWidth+pieRadius; this.setFont(new Font("Helvetica",Font.BOLD,12)); this.setBackground(Color.white); for (int i = 0; i<wedges.length; i++) { total += wedges[i].frac; }
wedgeColor[0] = Color.green; // colors that black looks good on wedgeColor[1] = Color.pink; wedgeColor[2] = Color.cyan; wedgeColor[3] = Color.red; wedgeColor[4] = Color.yellow; } // constructor
public void paint(Graphics g) { int startDeg = 0; int arcDeg; int x, y; double angleRad; g.setColor(Color.lightGray); // shadow g.fillOval(pieBorderWidth+3,pieBorderWidth+3,pieDiameter,pieDiameter); g.setColor(Color.gray); // "other" is gray g.fillOval(pieBorderWidth,pieBorderWidth,pieDiameter,pieDiameter); int wci = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i<THis.wedges.length; i++) { // draw wedges arcDeg = (int)((this.wedges[i].frac / total) * 360); g.setColor(wedgeColor[wci++]); g.fillArc(pieBorderWidth,pieBorderWidth,pieDiameter,pieDiameter, startDeg, arcDeg); if (wci >= ncolors) { wci = 0; // rotate colors }
startDeg += arcDeg; } // draw wedges
startDeg = 0; // do labels so they go on top of the wedges. for (i = 0; i<THis.wedges.length; i++) { arcDeg = (int)((this.wedges[i].frac / total) * 360); if (arcDeg > 3) { // don't label small wedges g.setColor(Color.black); angleRad = (float) (startDeg+(arcDeg/2))* java.lang.Math.PI / 180.0; x = pieCenterPos + (int)((pieRadius/1.3)*java.lang.Math.cos(angleRad)); y = pieCenterPos - (int)((pieRadius/1.3)*java.lang.Math.sin(angleRad)) + 5; // 5 is about half the height of the text g.drawString(this.wedges[i].label, x, y); } // don't label small wedges
startDeg += arcDeg; } // for
} // paint()
public Dimension preferredSize () { return new Dimension (pieViewSize,pieViewSize); } // preferredSize
} // PieView
// ===================================== // =========================== // The Pie chart applet public class Pie extends Applet { private PieView the_pie = null; public Pie() { // constructor // Nothing happens here, can't get args // yet. } // constructor
public void init () { String stemp; double dtemp; int i; // Read the applet arguments stemp = this.getParameter("title"); String chartTitle = (stemp == null) ? "" : stemp; stemp = this.getParameter("subtitle"); String chartSubTitle = (stemp == null) ? "" : stemp; int nargs = 0; while (this.getParameter("arg"+nargs) != null) { nargs++; // just count the arguments } // while
PieItem[] v = new PieItem[nargs]; // allocate storage for (i=0; i<nargs; i++) { v[i] = new PieItem(getParameter("arg"+i)); // parse argument } // for
int d = (i+1)/2; // Shell sort do { for (i=0; i < nargs-d; i++) { if (v[i].frac < v[i+d].frac) { dtemp = v[i].frac; // swap v[i].frac = v[i+d].frac; v[i+d].frac = dtemp; stemp = v[i].label; v[i].label = v[i+d].label; v[i+d].label = stemp; } } // for
d -= 1; } while (d > 0);
int h = this.size().height; int w = this.size().width; the_pie = new PieView(h-50, v); // shd be min(h-50,w)? this.setLayout(new BorderLayout(0,0)); this.setBackground(Color.white); this.add("Center", the_pie); this.add("North", new Label(chartTitle)); this.add("South", new Label(chartSubTitle)); } // init
// Boiler plate for HotJava public String getAppletInfo () { return "Pie 1997-06-14 THVV"; } // getAppletInfo
public String [][] getParameterInfo () { String [][] info = { };
return info; } // getParameterInfo
// Main program for testing only. public static void main(String args[]) { Frame f = new Frame("Pie"); Pie p = new Pie(); p.init(); p.start(); f.add("Center",p); f.resize(512,512); f.show(); } // main
} // Pie

Other 16 submission(s) by this author


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Other User Comments
2/4/2001 8:50:44 AM:Nice work
Nice i liked it needs a little 
modification thats all...
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

3/13/2001 6:49:18 PM:Devon
How does this thing work?  I'm not a 
very experienced Java programmer, some 
basic instructions of use would be 
Keep the Planet clean! If this comment was disrespectful, please report it:

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