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This tutorial explain some of the more common migrating problems from VB to
Load a picture
Picture1.Picture = LoadPicture(path)
Dim img As Image = Image.FromFile(path)
Picture1.Image = img
Load a icon
Me.Icon = LoadPicture(path)
Dim ico As New Icon(path)
Me.Icon = ico
Read from a file
Open path For Input As #1
Line Input #1, buffer
Close #1
Dim fs As FileStream = File.Open(path, FileMode.OpenOrCreate,
_ FileAccess.Read)
Dim sr As New StreamReader(fs)
Buffer = sr.ReadLine
Write to a file
Open path For Output As
Write #1, buffer
Close #1
Dim fs As FileStream = File.Open(path, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, _
Dim sr As New StreamWriter(fs)
Check for an error
On Error Goto errhandler
Throw New Exception("error description goes here")
Catch e as Exception
End Try
an event
In VB7, there is a new keyword called AddHandler. AddHandler makes handling
events a snap.
AddHandler object.event, AddressOf
| |
Other 5 submission(s) by this author
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Other User Comments |
4/15/2002 12:17:53 AM:roswellevent Great Tutorial
5 from me :)
4/15/2002 5:49:41 AM:Dave Lambert Excellent stuff, but why .NET has to be
so obscure is beyond me. I can see us
all writing wrapper classes for the
next n months to simplify the syntax
back to something memorable and to what
it should have been in the first
place... 8-(
4/29/2002 11:13:58 AM:Sam Moses Looks interesting.
I'm still not clear
on the difference in syntax though. It
seems to me that this .NET code could
be just as simple as the vb6 code
without much real change in the mothod.
5/1/2002 9:39:04 PM:Slider To understand why, you must look at the
bigger picture - platform & OS
indepentancy. This will mean that in
the fututre, your application won't be
tied just to 32-bit Intel platform &
Windows OS. I've written a wrapper
class to handle all VB7 'oddities' and
am adding functions to them. Sean,
great tutorial for those who need it!
Keep them coming...
5/16/2002 1:51:28 PM:Pheonix In VB6 I can do the following:
picVideo.width = frmMain.width
would I do that in VB.Net?
7/8/2002 2:01:42 AM:trance the syntax seems very similar to java,
except for the ';'s
7/12/2002 2:46:48 PM:JohnB In looking at this, it seems to me that
VB.NET actually will take more time to
code than VB6. Point in case: App.Path
& App.EXEName VS.
ssembly.Location.ToString Looks to me
like MS wants you to get carpel tunnel
syndrome... ;) Thanks for the info
8/28/2002 12:11:47 PM:Dhaval Faria hey.. that was gr8.. but I need some
diffrent help.. can u help me? please..
I need help badly.. but its easy.. but
I am not getting it.. 5 globes from me..
9/23/2002 2:22:18 AM: great job....keep it coming along..
1/18/2003 4:20:30 PM:VBGOD Clean...
1/31/2003 2:26:45 AM: Good Show..
5/6/2003 5:16:39 AM: Why it seems that VB.net is more
difficult to code? I mean it takes
longer code than the old VB.
5/29/2003 9:48:31 PM: I just got my hands on .NET, I need to
catch up... Excellent head start for
VB6 programmers
7/4/2003 4:24:40 AM:Deepak Kumar Shaw It's really talking...
compect and to
the point..
5 from me, good work!
7/13/2003 3:15:21 PM: im new to vb.net
how about Time()
and Date() functions?
i want to create
a clock like the one displayed in the
11/6/2003 5:30:05 PM: how about app.version ???
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