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Color Cycle Picture

VB icon
Submitted on: 1/13/2000
Level: Beginner
User Rating: By 4 Users
Compatibility:Java (JDK 1.1)

Users have accessed this code 7400 times.
     Cycles different colors behind any text logo and scrolls a message at the same time.
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// Name: Color Cycle Picture
// Description:Cycles different colors b
//     ehind any text logo and scrolls a messag
//     e at the same time.
// By: 

import java.applet.*; 
import java.awt.*; 
public class Colorcycle extends Applet implements Runnable 
    private Thread m_Colorcycle = null; 
    private Color linee[]; 
    private Image dbufferimage; 
    private Graphics dbuffer; 
    String scrolltext; 
    int scrolltextpos = 0; 
    int maxpos = 0; 
    int rcol = 0; 
    int gcol = 0; 
    int bcol = 0; 
    int linefactor = 4; 
    Image logopicture; 
    boolean pleasewait = true; 
    boolean rcol_add = true; 
    boolean bcol_add = false; 
    boolean gcol_add = false; 
    boolean growing = true; 
    public void init() 
        String parm; 
        linee = new Color[size().height/linefactor]; 
        // Loads picture 
        MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker(this); 
        logopicture = getImage(getDocumentBase(), getParameter("logo")); 
        parm = getParameter("scroll"); 
        if ( parm !=null) 
        scrolltext = parm; 
        scrolltext = ""; 
        parm = getParameter("factor"); 
        if ( parm !=null) 
        linefactor = Integer.parseInt(parm);; 
        tracker.addImage(logopicture, 0); 

catch(Exception e) {}; for(maxpos = 0; maxpos<(size().height/linefactor)-1 ; maxpos++) { linee[maxpos]=new Color(0,0,0); }
maxpos = size().height; dbufferimage = createImage(size().width,size().height); scrolltextpos = size().width + 20; dbuffer = dbufferimage.getGraphics(); dbuffer.setFont(new Font("Arial",Font.BOLD,24)); }
public void update(Graphics g) { if (logopicture == null) return; pleasewait = true; for(maxpos = 1; maxpos < (size().height/linefactor)-1 ; maxpos++) { linee[maxpos-1]=linee[maxpos]; dbuffer.setColor(linee[maxpos]); dbuffer.fillRect(0,(maxpos-1)*linefactor,size().width,((maxpos-1)*linefactor)+linefactor); }
createcolorFade(); linee[maxpos-1]=new Color(rcol,gcol,bcol); dbuffer.drawImage(logopicture,0,0,this); scrolltextpos -=2; dbuffer.setColor(new Color(rcol,gcol,bcol)); dbuffer.drawString(scrolltext,scrolltextpos,size().height-15); pleasewait = false; if (scrolltextpos * -1 > scrolltext.length()*12) scrolltextpos =size().width + 30; paint(g); }
public void paint(Graphics g) { if(!pleasewait) { if (dbufferimage!= null) { g.drawImage(dbufferimage, 0, 0, null); }
public void start() { if (m_Colorcycle == null) { m_Colorcycle = new Thread(this); m_Colorcycle.start(); }
public void stop() { if (m_Colorcycle != null) { m_Colorcycle.stop(); m_Colorcycle = null; }
public void run() { while (true) { try { repaint(); Thread.sleep(50); }
catch (InterruptedException e) { stop(); }
public void createcolorFade() { if( growing) { if( rcol_add == true ) { rcol += 15; if ( rcol == 255) { rcol_add = false; gcol_add = true; }
if( gcol_add == true ) { gcol += 15; if ( gcol == 255) { gcol_add = false; bcol_add = true; }
if( bcol_add == true ) { bcol += 15; if ( bcol == 255) { bcol_add = false; gcol_add = true; growing = false; }
else { if( gcol_add == true ) { gcol -= 15; if ( gcol == 0) { gcol_add = false; rcol_add = true; }
if( rcol_add == true ) { rcol -= 15; if ( rcol == 0) { rcol_add = false; bcol_add = true; }
if( bcol_add == true ) { bcol -= 15; if ( bcol == 0) { bcol_add = false; rcol_add = true; growing = true; }

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