| | Submitted on: 9/19/2003 7:29:51 AM
By: Amanat Ali
Level: Beginner User Rating:
By 3 Users Compatibility:PHP 3.0, PHP 4.0
Users have accessed this article 5338 times. | (About the author) |
| | <H2>Hoon</H2><Br> It is Funny and Cool. Be sure that you have MS word to read this Article.
| |
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Other User Comments |
10/22/2003 11:11:02 PM:HyperHacker So that's how that got there... ;)
10/30/2003 6:54:25 PM:LPChip I can't find anything funny about this.
Yet this is not a bad article. its
merelly an tutor and reference about
10/31/2003 1:31:41 PM:D Davis I'm assuming your making fun of the
obvious fact that english is not his
first language. It's a good article
anyway. I found his address a bit
funny, it's pretty long.
11/8/2003 1:43:48 PM:HyperHacker Actually I was referring to the big
"HOON" entry below it on the main page.
I'd been wondering what it was doing
11/18/2003 1:40:13 AM:dotNETJunkie Did PHP die or something? This has been
on the front page for a while now.
11/21/2003 12:42:15 PM:Tabrez Akhtar What's a HOON? The article doesn't
explain it;)
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