Name: Lewis Moten
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If you got this far, you are probably interested in who exactly I am and are eager to pick some knowledge out of my head.
I am an ASP programmer, no doubt. I grew up with an Atari 400 using BASIC and PILOT and saving my programs to a casset tape. Over the years, I would rush to the library looking for books with source code of computer games in them that I could create with basic. After long hours of coding, I would save, then load, and then spend the next few days figuring out where I made a mistake - and even the book for that matter! What I'm trying to say is, you got to learn by doing. Don't give up, and always get help from someone else - wether it be source code, a book, or actually communicating with them on a one-on-one relationship.
I'll admit it - I'm a book worm. I have a shelf full of red books (if you know what I mean), and tons of other shelves of other books. I can't recommend just one, but I have found that Wrox is the best for me. After that, I have O'Reilly and Sams in third.
As far as source code goes, I have my own personal site with source code (and lots of working demos), and other sites that I post code to. But if you want to get the most out of me, you have come to the rite place. Planet Source Code is the #1 place where I post code - mainly because Ian has made it easy to do and easy to update when others let me know of my errors. (Yes, I mess up too sometimes). And PSC lets those people tell me - that is the greatest part!
Ok, so we are down to contact info. You can always send me an email through this site of course. I also have ICQ. If you need the number it is
364308. Pretty low eh? I've been a die hard at this computer stuff for years on end. I even ran my own BBS and was a SysOp on many other BBS's in the Pittsburgh area when the internet was still known as a toy called "the information super highway".
Ok, I'll close with that and let you go on your way. If you see my code - please vote. If it is bad, put up some feedback letting me know. And if you want to see more to me then just code (I'm an artist too), then just visit my web site.