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About John Galanopoulos
Name: John Galanopoulos
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All submission(s) by this author
Working Status : Currently working for a large international insurance company in Greece, in the I.T. Department.
Education : Graduated Technological University of Piraeus.
Certifications :
- Visual Basic Programmer - Computer Technician - Windows 95/98 power user and administrator - Windows API programmer
8+ years of expertise in :
Microsoft Visual Basic
Microsoft Access
Coding Contest Winner on PSC for January 2002 Article : Doevents Evolution; The A.P.I. approach. (connect.to/Galanopoulos)
Special Thanks to : - Rent A Coder for all their efforts they did for us freelancers - Planet Source Code for giving us coders a place to teach and learn - all the honored buyers who gave me a chance to help them with their projects - all coders who viewed, rated and commented my articles on PSC - Carles P.V., Mr Bobo, John Baughman, Ian Ippolito, Lefteris Eleftheriadis, George Ignatiadis, Trevor Herselman, Olav Jordan - all of you who spent a few minutes to view this resume.