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MessageBox Wizard I know that there have been others that have uploaded wizards that created Messagebox code but this one is a little different in that if you put a line break in the message text, it will actually add the necessary line breaks in the code for the Messagebox. That way if your message needs to be more than one line, you can make sure that the lines are the same length and it looks good. G-Text G-Text is a sample program that demonstrates how to use the TextGraphics class (included) to draw text with effects. It includes 3D, textures, gradients, and colors. Telephone Book This code implements a simple class, wich stores and manages some basic data(name, address and telephone). It also saves and opens data using serialization :-). Uses a MDI form with toolbar and menuitems to navigate the different options. Directory Browser This is a solution with two proyects. One is a class library (.dll) that contains two new controls: the DirTree control and the FileList control. These controls inherit from TreeView and ListView. The first one uses recursive code to scan & show directory tree, so you can navigate in it. The second one just show some detail of the files included in the selected directory. The second proyect is just a form wich implements the two controls in order to allow a directory navigation. Graphical Deck of Cards Here we have a complete pack of graphical cards. You can deal, shuffle and even put cards back into the pack. If you are wanting to create a card game then you'll like this. I would appreciate feedback on this. Multithreaded WMI Viewer This application allows you to retrieve WMI Information from Windows 2000/XP machines. It is multithreaded so you can browse all the machines on your network in one go. It will display information in the listview control sorting them by machine name and will allow you to export it as a csv file to import in excel/access... You first select the WMI class you want to dump then you select the target machines, there is 3 options: 1- you enter a machine name in the textbox and click on scan. it will scan only this machine. 2- you enter a subnet name and click on scan subnet. it will scan all the machines in this subnet. 3- you click on autoscan. it will enumerate automatically all the machine on your network and scan them. it is the fastest way! It uses the following classes found on planetsourcecode and modified to suit my need: clsPing ListViewItemSorter -an example from www.allapi.net about network enumeration. -an example from microsoft 101 VB.NET samples about WMI enumerations. Owner Drawn Font Combo This small piece of code shows how easy it is to draw the system font list in a combobox. But it also draws the font names in the combo in the actual font listed. So Arial is written in Arial and chiller is written in chiller. Covers Owner draw and simple Graphics. Multithreaded Ping Utility It is a multithreaded ping application, at this stage at least. (the goal is to make a switch port mapper that gives you the port number and machine name on each swicth...). This application uses the clsPing class from Paulo dos santos silva modified to accept asynchronous read from the socket. I have written the application around to be multithreaded. It only accept a subnet name and will scan all the machine in this subnet reporting the response time and the DNS name. High-quality Jpeg to GIF conversion in VB.NET This article tells you how to convert a True Color image to palettized one using Floyd-Steinberg dithering algorithm. GDI+, by default, uses a halftone palette, that creates ugly looking, poor quality images. New algorithm gives images without grain looking just like original ones. This is especially useful for photography. In order to use the new conversion technique, you just need to copy one file. This is useful for hosting servers because you don't need to register any components. SysTrayIcon In .NET the notifyicon control simplifies the task of putting an icon in the system tray and creating a popup menu by using the contextmenu control. But when I tried to minimize a screen to the system tray and remove it from the taskbar, I realized that when the time came to show it again, the form would not show up. It would be invisible on my desktop. So instead of removing the icon from the taskbar I tried hiding the form and this worked very well. I am posting the code here for others who may find a very simple way of using the NotifyIcon Control. The code is very simple and clean. If you like it, vote for me. thanks! High-quality Jpeg to GIF conversion in ASP.NET With this product you can convert a True Color image to palettized one using Floyd-Steinberg dithering algorithm. GDI+, by default, uses a halftone palette, that creates ugly looking, poor quality images. New algorithm gives images without grain looking just like original ones. This is especially useful for photography. In order to use the new conversion technique, you just need to copy one file. This is useful for hosting servers because you don't need to register any components. Gac Viewer (Global Assembly Cache) via Code To view the contents of the Gac in two Listview objects. One for the Gac and one for Ngen Assemblies. This redirects Output from Gacutil.exe. Easiest way I found to Insert/Select data with SQL This article has 2 example subroutines. The first shows how to easily select data from an SQL source. The second one will show how to insert, and at the same time retrieve the Identity of the newly inserted record, provided that the table where the insert is made has an identity column Easiest way I found to insert / retrieve data from SQL Easy way to Insert and retrieve data from SQL. -First Sub (SQL_Select) is for retrieving data from an SQL source -Second Sub (SQL_Insert) is for inserting a record, and retrieving the ID of the newly inserted record Kuti.Data : Database Library for MySQL, MSSQL and Access (All in one) There are two main parts in my Code. First parts which is under DataObject directory has abilities about Databases. It can connect 3 types of database (MSSQL, MySQL and Access)and can execute SQL in these databases. It takes the return rown in its Items array and you can use them as an DataItem. Second part is the automatic SQL Generator. This program generates you SQL in an order and can be read SQL from an sql or txt file. The only thing you have to do is seting header in each SQL part. This header structure and example SQL file is under the Kuti.Data/CheckDatabase/SQL/Example.sql file. More Details in Read Me.txt Histogram C# histogram class maintains a histogram of input data. Input data is sorted into bins and a count is kept of how many data points fall into each bin. Accumulated data can be displayed as an ASCII stem-leaf diagram or formatted string representation. Iteration Performance Compares various iteration methods in .NET with an eye on the best possible performance over large data collections. Mersenne Twister C# implementation of the Mersenne Twister algorithm, developed by Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura in 1996-1997. This algorithm is faster and more efficient, and has a far longer period and far higher order of equidistribution, than other existing generators. Prevent Multiple Instances This is a sample program that demonstrates one of many ways to prevent more than one instance of a program from running. As a bonus, it locates the window the program is running in and brings it to the foreground. The actual form in the sample is useless. It just sits there. Page 1 of 56 found. Entries 1 - 20 of 1111 found Next 20 entries |