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Step-by-step connection to SQLServer from ASP.Net


Submitted on: 11/21/2003 4:21:04 PM
By: Irene V Yuzbasheva 
Level: Beginner
User Rating: By 1 Users

Users have accessed this article 280 times.
     Step-by-step instructions on how to connect to the SQL Server from ASP.Net. Instructions include lots of screen shots in the zip file

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Step-by-step Instruction on How to Connect to Microsoft SQL Server with ASP . Net Created by: Irene Yuzbasheva, 2003 1. Create an ASP.Net project. 2. In the Server Explorer, navigate to the SQL Server to which you want to connect to. 3. Drag and drop table or view on your *.aspx form. This automatically creates SqlConnection and SqlDataAdapter. 4. Right-click on the SqlAdapter1 and select Generate Dataset 5. This will create DataSet1 along-side with SqlConnection1 and SqlDataAdapter1. 6. Now you are ready to add data controls to your form. In this example, I will add Data Grid. Drag and drop DataGrid control from the Toolbox .. WebForms. 7. Double-click on the form and place code below under Page_Load function: SqlDataAdapter1.Fill (Me.DataSet11, "Companies") DataGrid1.DataSource = Me.DataSet11.Companies Page.DataBind () 8. Press F5 to test your creation

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11/22/2003 12:29:39 PM:
This example adds nothing to the simple walkthrough built in tot Visual Studion and commonly quoted in many ASP.Net books and guides. It doesn't help if your server is remote or behind a firewall or otherwise not available in the Visual Studio server explorer. It also generates lots of extra code you may not want, in generating Insert, UPDATE and DELETE commands in addition to the needed SELECT command.
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