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Wedding Website Application
Bid Request Id: 9503
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PCU (28 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 10 )
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Very Good - 18.52%
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Approved on: |
Feb 24, 2002 3:39:07 PM EDT
Bidding Closes: |
Mar 10, 2002 3:49:11 PM EDT
Viewed (by coders): |
715 times
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This is two medium sized applications for a Wedding registry website. These applications should have 3 seperate areas. 1. Couple 2. Visitor 3. Master Admin. And MUST be user friendly and esay to navigate. You can see the exsiting application at to see how it is currenly laid out. The site uses a Session Variable called the CoupleID that determins what and where the visitor/couple see. Teh database is based on a MS SQL 2000 server. And table should be understndable. You are to assume that you have a session varible to determin where the data is stored. The first part is the Photo Album where visitors can upload images to the couple's website. The Second area is a Family Cookbook where the visitors can add recipes to the couple's website and the coupld can download them after the wedding. The 3rd application is a simple guest book also based on the coupld id. The Vistors area can view the data, the couples area can view and edit the data and the admin area can edit, and allow and disallow, and delete these options.
Deliverables: The album should use SimpleASP Upload component to upload the images to a directory on the website. If the couple purchase the album option it will create a folder within the PhotoAlbum named their CoupleID. The application must determine the size of the folder as to remain in the set limit allowed (Coded in and editable) A visitor may upload their photos as well as the couple. During the upload it will need to store in a database that 1. the couple has this option, 2. The title of the picture and the person who uploaded it and a description of the picture. For viewing of the album you need to use ASPImage to size the images as thumbnails (scaled correctly) the same size so that they can be viewed. The viewer should be able to search, filter to display a set about of images per page. They should be thumbnails and then be able to click for the normal size. (see for an example of how the images should be displayed. It should include part of the title and a click to enlarge button for each one. The couple should have an admin area that they can add, edit or delete images and database entries. Each time the current file size should be recorded in the master database (Provided) if the limit is reached then an email is sent (using cdonts) to the couple and another address warning of the limit. At that time they can place the last image but no others until they can upgrade. There should be a master admin that can clean up remove the folder and database entries at the end of the time limit. It should display the couple Id the folder size the number of images in the folder and allow it to be completely removed.
Part2 For a wedding registry website a place where a visitor can add a family recipe to a couple's wedding website. After the wedding the couple can purchase a copy of the family cookbook in either printed or cd rom format
The cookbook - will have 4 parts an admin, master admin, visitors and purchase area The visitors side will allow a family member to add to add a recipe to a database based on the CoupleID (Session Variable) they will also have the opportunity to View the Titles of all the recipes based on the category selected and have the chance to purchase it on line. When they submit the recipe it should have a per-form that allows them to verify and check the data BEFORE entering it in the database. The Admin area for he couple they can add, edit or delete any recipe. The database will include the recipe, title, the person donating it etc.... be creative and thorough. The Couple should also be able to order it online also. The Master Admin will be used by the webmaster (site owner) to extract the cook book data into a Printable booklet format that can be printed into a hardcopy from the website and sent to a printer and /or copied to a Easily read text file that can be saved to a floppy disk or CDrom. The Purchase side should be a simple shopping cart that will collect the purchaser's information shipping credit card etc... and send the order using cdonts to a specified email address. It will also send a copy of the order minus the credit card number show it like 54423 XXXX XXXX XXXX and send it to the person ordering the book or CD/Floppy. Please design the cart to transfer the CoupleID from the Sessionvarible to the secured site and then back to the session variable.
Must be 100% finished and received by buyer on:
Mar 15, 2002 EDT
Deadline legal notes: All times are expressed in the time zone of the site EDT (UT - 5). If the buyer omitted a time, then the deadline is 11:59:59 PM EDT on the indicated date.
Special Conditions / Other:
The code needs to be copy and paste "able" to a template
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We monitor all site activity for such violations and can instantly expel transgressers on the spot, so we thank you in advance for your cooperation.
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This bid was accepted by the buyer!
$101 (USD)
Feb 25, 2002 6:36:10 AM EDT
Hi Upgraders,
I have seen your requirments. I have one year of expericence in ASP, SQL Server and 3 years of expericence in VB. For more detail see my resume on this site.
If you are interested, please send detail specification or simple walkthrough of application.
Thanks, Kalpesh