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Visual basic interface
Bid Request Id: 9028
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Posted by: cat (4 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 8.25)
('Non-action' Ratio: None - 0%)
Posted: Feb 18, 2002
5:09:56 PM EDT
Bidding Closes: Feb 21, 2002
5:12:19 PM EDT
Viewed (by coders): 710 times
Deadline: 2/25/2002
100% of work was accepted by buyer. Coder account has been credited.
Max Accepted Bid: Bidding is closed
Project Type: Personal Project / Homework Help
Bidding Type: Open Auction
Categories: Windows, Language Specific, Visual Basic
Enter chat room for this bid request
(0 active users at Mar 11, 2003 2:53:27 PM EDT)

I require a very simple VB interface using code i provide.


Adaptive System Development

In today&'s session you will start to build an interface to a system designed to aid students on a mythical masters course to choose their program of study. The course description and regulations are given below.

You are provided with a module containing the functionality you need to carry out all the tasks associated with adding and deleting modules and checking regulations. Your task is to create an interface using Visual Basic which makes use of the provided functionality to create a usable system that allows the user to create and view their program of study

Your system should allow the user to log in so that it can keep track of what they are doing. No functionality for this has been provided as it is up to you to decide what information you need to store for a given user and how you need to store it.

The module provided is timetable.bas

Course Description and Regulations

Institution: Mercia University

Course: MA in Hospitality Management

Duration: Three semesters (S1, S2, S3)

Units: Code Title Credits Semester Slot Prerequisites

M1001.1 Business Organisation 18 1 7
M1002.1 Human Resource Management 18 1 3
M1003.1 Quantitative Methods 18 1 5
M1003.2 Quantitative Methods 18 2 6
M1004.1 Computing 18 1 8
M1004.2 Computing 18 2 1
M1005.1 Accounting 18 1 5
M1006.1 Cognitive Psychology 18 1 9
M1007.2 Tourism Management 18 2 8 Unit M1001
M1008.2 Advanced Accounting 18 2 5 Unit M1005
M1009.2 Hotel Management 18 2 1 Units M1001 & M1002
M1010.2 Independent Study 18 2 3
M1011.3 Marketing 18 3 8
M1012.3 Conference Organisation 18 3 1 Unit M1009.2
M1013.3 Dissertation 54 3 7

Timetable Slots: These apply to all three semesters.

9.00 - 13.00 14.00 - 18.00
Mon 1 6
Tue 2 7
Wed 3
Thu 4 8
Fri 5 9

Regulations: Units HM01, HM03, HM11 and any five others must be taken and passed (180 credits in total)
A minimum of 2 units can be taken in any term and a maximum of 4 units may be taken in each of semesters 1 and 2.

Note: Units HM03 and HM04 may be taken in either semester 1 or 2, but not both.

Coursework Assignment

Programme of Study Assistant (PROSAS)

Mercia University was in the process of developing a prototype system called PROSAS to assist students taking the MA in Hospitality Management in creating their timetables. Initial work had developed the data structures and backend functionality. These are provided in a module called timetable.bas. The course description and details that this functionality covers are given at the end of this document.

PROSAS should enable students to design a programme of study within the course structure, and check that the course regulations have been met. PROSAS should also enable users to view the timetable associated with a prospective programme of study.

Students should have to log in to PROSAS so that the system can identify them. The system should allow them to create a timetable, save it and go back later and modify it.

The system may need to encompass different paths through it and/or different ways to display data to allow for a subset of the different ways of building timetables that have been identified to be catered for. As students have different methods of completing the task and different levels of knowledge, it has been decided that PROSAS should include some form of adaptivity. You are free to choose the form that this will take.

Note: the descriptions of users above detail many differences both in terms of domain and system knowledge and methods of operation. You should focus on a subset of these and provide a short report saying which ones you have focussed on and why.

Whilst ensuring that the system incorporates the required functionality and adaptivity, interface design and usability should also be priorities.

User Differences

Domain knowledge
1. experts users can recognise all modules by their numbers (i.e. do not need module names

Visual basic running on win95/98

Must be 100% finished and received by buyer on:

Feb 25, 2002 EDT
Deadline legal notes: All times are expressed in the time zone of the site EDT (UT - 5). If the buyer omitted a time, then the deadline is 11:59:59 PM EDT on the indicated date.

Additional Files:
This bid request includes IMPORTANT additional attached files. Please download and read fully before bidding.

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This bid was accepted by the buyer!
Smart Pin
(53 ratings)
Bid id: 106,281
$60 (USD) Feb 18, 2002
5:33:13 PM EDT

I can do this project for you.

I have serious exprice with Visual Basic.

Please see my work on rac for more references.

The program will be ready in no more than 2 days.

All the best,
'Smart Pin' team leader.


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