Show Bid Request
Date / Time Calculator for Role Playing Game
Bid Request Id: 7895
I need a javascript date/time calculator for a role playing game.
The game runs at 4x normal speed so that 1 game day is 6 hours… or one Real Time day is 4 game days.
Here&'s what I would like to do…
Take the time and date from the user&'s system clock
Have the user enter the current game time and date
Then allow the user to enter either a Real Time time/date and give the Game Time
Allow the user to enter a game time/date and give the actual time/date of occurrence past or future.
RealTime : 22 january 2002 10 hours 50 minutes AM
GameTime: 11 October 1530 6 hours 00 minutes AM
FINDGameTime: 15 October 1530 9 hours 00 minutes AM
CALCULATEDRealTime 23 January 2002, 11 hours 20 minutes AM
RealTime : 22 january 2002 10 hours 50 minutes AM
GameTime: 11 October 1530 6 hours 00 minutes AM
FINDRealTime: 23 january 2002 11 hours 20 minutes AM
CALCULATEDRealTime 15 October 1530 9 hours 00 minutes AM
Time can be entered as AM/PM or on a 24 hour clock at programmers option
Must work on a website with either Msie or Netscape
Deliverables: Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. Complete copyrights to all work purchased.
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We monitor all site activity for such violations and can instantly expel transgressers on the spot, so we thank you in advance for your cooperation.
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$20 (USD)
Jan 22, 2002 4:07:35 PM EDT
I have over 6 years experience coding in Java and C++.
I have written JavaScript code similar to what you are looking for.
I have earned the Sun Certified Java Programmer and Oracle Certified Enterprise Java Developer Certifications.
I can have the program delivered to you within 24 hours of acceptance of my bid.