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Bid Request Id: 73699
Posted by: |
colorweb (1 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 10 )
Non-action Ratio: |
Very Good - 0.00%
Buyer Security Verifications: |
Approved on: |
Jul 17, 2003 9:59:39 AM EDT
Bidding Closes: |
Jul 20, 2003 4:24:27 AM EDT
Viewed (by coders): |
147 times
Deadline: |
7/27/2003 3:04:38 PM (5 days after 7/22/2003 3:04:38 PM)
General functionality ===================== A search is performed in a searchengine, the resulting page is
mailed to an e-mail address. Each night the same search is to be performed - if there are any new
results they are mailed.
Flow ==== The user enters a webpage, supplies his e-mail address and one or
more search keywords. At once the results of his keywords are mailed
to him as an HTML e-mail. Every night the same search is performed
and any new results are mailed to him.
Deliverables: We prefer to have the coding performed in Perl and PHP (back-end and front-end). MySQL is used as database.
1. The search results are provided by a locally installed copy of ht://dig. The coder will be provided with the URL of the searchengine.
2. ht://Dig displays a result page that is suitable for use in a HTML e-mail.
3. The back-end program must run once a day (in cron.daily), perform the searches and send the corresponding e-mails.
4. One e-mail adress can "subscribe" to several search keywords, ie.: Subscription 1: "green cars", Subscription 2: "cars". It should be clearly marked which subscription the e-mail sent is regarding.
5. When there are new results only the new results must be mailed - not all the results.
6. The webinterface must provide possibilities to: a) add new subscriptions to an e-mail address, b) view and remove existing subscriptions, c) administrator access: view and add/remove all available subscriptions.
General: ========
1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) and complete source code of all work done.
2) Installation of the program(s) on our server, including detailed documentation of all steps involved in the installation.
3) Complete ownership and distribution copyrights to all work purchased.
4) Documentation of the code and the planning of the program
RedHat Linux 8.0 with Apache, PHP, MySQL
Remember that contacting the other party outside of the site (by email, phone, etc.) on all business projects < $500 (before the buyer's money is escrowed) is a violation of both the software buyer and seller agreements.
We monitor all site activity for such violations and can instantly expel transgressers on the spot, so we thank you in advance for your cooperation.
If you notice a violation please help out the site and report it. Thanks for your help.
All monetary amounts on the site are in United States dollars.
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This bid was accepted by the buyer!
$135 (USD)
Jul 19, 2003 3:02:14 AM EDT
Hi colorweb!
I am a web programmer with almost 4 years experience in Php, Perl and MySQL.
This is what I would do for your project:
a) Web scripts in php where the user enters his/her email address and then can add / edit /delete subscriptions to searches.
b) Admin page in php where admin user can enter and see all subscriptions and add or delete subscriptions.
c) Perl script to perform the searches in the search engine you specified and process the results page. The script will have to scan the results page to check if results are already in the 'sent results' database or they are new results. If they have not been sent, they are added to the email text and added to the database also. Then email with all new results is sent. This for every subscription. This script would have to be scheduled in the cron to run daily.
I have experience in processing web pages like this using Perl, that's why I would use Perl for this script.
In the database we would keep all subscriptions and also all results that have been sent for each subscription so they are not sent more than once. We could save a password associated to each email address, if you think it necessary to protect subscription management this way.
If no new results are found for a subscription, we could send subscriber a message to tell him there are no news, so he sees the process is running. We could do it not every day, if you want, let's say if there are no new results in three days we send an email telling there have been no new results.
I would implement the system while it is being developed so you can see it and test it, and tell me anything you consider necessary. We should install it in your server if the search engine is installed there and it needs the script to run in the same server. If it can be queried from another server, I can install it in mine for development.
Regards, Veronica
Informatica Integral Buenos Aires - Argentina |