My name is Venkat and I am a software developer based in Houston Texas.
My core expertise is in VC++ and VB with specialization in ActiveX controls.
I have seen the demo application you have sent and have read through all your requirements/improvements required for this control.
To my understanding the major concern seems to be SPEED.And I very much agree with you since its and ActiveX control, that can be put on the internet and things have to move fast.
I have read your document, and have recorded all the 13 bullets that you have shot !, yeah they are very much doable..there are however a few places where I need some clarification, but I shall get them clarified when we start the work.
As for my current capabilities and abilities to work for your project, please refer to my profile on RAC. I have been just working with ActiveX controls and as I said earlier thats my specialization.
Coming to your work I am sure I can do it without any hesitation. It would be a simple job for me. I cannot give you the number of Ax controls I have developed till date, but I can assure you that my core brand is for Ax controls.
Coding practise and documentation are implicit and you need not worry about it.
Please indicate if you find my confidence is fair enough to deal your work.
Knock for me anytime on yahoo messenger or MSN at k_sai , I am there almost every time.
Thanks for using RAC and for reviewing my bid, also wish you a good luck on RAC to get ur work done successfully.
Best Regards
Venkat K
I am a dedicated software professional and I have opted for this forum with this dedication. I promise complete satisfaction to the buyer and I am sure I will hold the business and many more from their reference. I have faith in my abilities. And I promise that I shall give the best for the deal. No false promises, something that is not my cup of tea I shall not promise anything about it. Regards Venkat