Show Bid Request
online security site
Bid Request Id: 66090
Posted by: |
ocube (1 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 10 )
Non-action Ratio: |
Very Good - 0.00%
Buyer Security Verifications: |
Approved on: |
Jun 1, 2003 10:22:34 AM EDT
Bidding Closes: |
Jun 5, 2003 3:55:55 AM EDT
Viewed (by coders): |
175 times
Deadline: |
Name of website: Content: security and spy products Create a clone of in terms of the organization of buttons on the left and the organization of the product contents. Now the tricky part is that you will have to convert all info from (the listings, product descriptions, pictures of catalog which can be found beneath "More Hidden Cameras, Spy and Surveillance Equipment") into security planet's look including the tabular listings of products. please play around with both websites to understand the concept.
Tasks: - Create fantastic logo and web look not to take up the entire screen view but in a condensed fashion for easy navigation - Very speedy loading of content pages (not too many graphics) - Administration- edit all pages/titles/content/product price e.t.c. - Software to credit via credit card "linkpoint" and email customer the "thank you message and me customer's info. ???shopping cart - Give me your knowledge on search-engine optimization and what you can do to implement high linkage to other content related sites. - Convertion of entire site to French/german/italian/spanish to load up on search engines or at least the "Meta TAgs" - Animation of products to describe use on each page (small graphics) BID -please send me mock ups, no tin canned!! - time to complete 7 days or less (your preference if resonable) - Past work - Most sopisticated and organized look gets the project
Deliverables: 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done.
2) Installation package that will install the software (in ready-to-run condition) on the platform(s) specified in this bid request.
3) Complete ownership and distribution copyrights to all work purchased.
ASP/mySQl or if you can suggest a better platform that will increase the loading of products on the screen when surfing.
Must be 100% finished and received by buyer on:
Jun 15, 2003 EDT
Deadline legal notes: All times are expressed in the time zone of the site EDT (UT - 5). If the buyer omitted a time, then the deadline is 11:59:59 PM EDT on the indicated date.
Remember that contacting the other party outside of the site (by email, phone, etc.) on all business projects < $500 (before the buyer's money is escrowed) is a violation of both the software buyer and seller agreements.
We monitor all site activity for such violations and can instantly expel transgressers on the spot, so we thank you in advance for your cooperation.
If you notice a violation please help out the site and report it. Thanks for your help.
All monetary amounts on the site are in United States dollars.
Rent a Coder is a closed auction, so coders can only see their own bids and comments. Buyers can view every posting made on their bid requests. |
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Jun 2, 2003 12:47:04 AM EDT
Thanks for inviting us for the project. Having worked for various projects on similar lines, we can offer you the best functionality that will suit your business as well be very friendly to manage the site.
A Strong Admin control to manage the entire site. What both the sites you mentioned lacks is proper organization and display of products, announcements, Hot Sellers etc. While these are very frequent changes, we will provide u with an interface to manage all thru secured and safe backend. To Site example, if you launch new SPY camera, and it gets hidden in the list of camera, who will buy.. however, if the same is displayed in the FRont Page as 'NEW PRODUCT Launch', definitely people will be clicking to get inside.
Home Page will be a good logo or a Flash Banner + Logo , with Text showing what the site is all about or what it deals.. We will make flash banner as small as possible to make sure load time is fine. Else, we can replace with animated Gif.
All Products will be displayed with thumb and small description which will take them to more detailed description and option to buy. Will have a shop cart to store all products in basket, before they checkout.
We have many more features to add in the site.
Our Bid as of now stands at $900 with free technical Support, Design, Logo and full eCommerce Support. We will complete the project within 20 working days from the date of acceptance.
Some of our recent eCommerce SIte :
1. (beta version) Fully Dynamic
2. (full dynamic)
3. (digital Download)
There are many more and if you want we can furnish that too.
Kindly let us have your valued interest.
Regards Vikash