Show Bid Request
Online Auction
Bid Request Id: 64002
Posted by: |
Meka (1 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 10 )
Non-action Ratio: |
Very Good - 0.00%
Buyer Security Verifications: |
Approved on: |
May 19, 2003 8:27:53 PM EDT
Bidding Closes: |
Jun 2, 2003 4:40:26 PM EDT
Viewed (by coders): |
62 times
Deadline: |
Online Auctions Database
Consider the operations of an online auction company that offers members the opportunity to buy and sell computer related hardware and software items. The seller lists the item for sale. The seller specifies a description of the item along with the starting price and bid increments. Other information such as shipping mode and charges, category of the item, when the auction ends, etc. is also provided at the time of the listing. Buyers make bids for the items they are interested in buying. The person placing the highest bid at the time of the end of the auction is declared the winner and a transaction between the buyer and seller may proceed soon after. Buyers and sellers can leave feedback regarding the experience on a purchase or sale on the system. This feedback is available for every member to look at. Based on the above information the following relational tables constitute one possible initial design of the database:
MEMBERS(USERID,password,name,address, phone,email) ITEMS(INO,category,title,description,sellerID,quantity,startPrice, bidIncrement,lastBidReceived,closeTime) SHIPPING(INO,SHIPTYPE,SHIPPRICE) ID(BUYERID,INO,PRICE,QTYWANTED,BIDTIME) RATING(INO,BUYERID,SELLERID,sComment,bComment,sScale,bScale) **Note: The primary key columns are shown in uppercase. The MEMBERS table records information about all the members of the online Auction Company. These include both buyers and sellers, and the same member could be the seller of one item and the buyer of another item. The ITEMS table keeps track of items that are on the auction block. Each item is assigned a unique item number. The seller&'s user id is included in this table. Fo0r each item on auction, there could be several shipping modes and the SHIPPING table keeps track of this information. The bids placed by members for items are recorded in the BID table. The RATING table records the ratings placed by buyers or sellers for a transaction. The rating includes a descriptive comment as well as a numeric value (say -1 for a negative experience, 0 for neutral experience, and +1 for a positive experience).
The following is a possible sketch of an application program interface using menus and sub-menus. MAIN MENU (1) Member registration (2) Member login (3) Quit MEMBER MENU (1) Place an item for auction (2) Bid on an item (3) Search for items (4) Place a rating (5) View rating (6) Quit
Deliverables: 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done.
2) Installation package that will install the software (in ready-to-run condition) on the platform(s) specified in this bid request.
3) Complete ownership and distribution copyrights to all work purchased.
Must be 100% finished and received by buyer on:
Jun 8, 2003 EDT
Deadline legal notes: All times are expressed in the time zone of the site EDT (UT - 5). If the buyer omitted a time, then the deadline is 11:59:59 PM EDT on the indicated date.
Remember that contacting the other party outside of the site (by email, phone, etc.) on all business projects < $500 (before the buyer's money is escrowed) is a violation of both the software buyer and seller agreements.
We monitor all site activity for such violations and can instantly expel transgressers on the spot, so we thank you in advance for your cooperation.
If you notice a violation please help out the site and report it. Thanks for your help.
All monetary amounts on the site are in United States dollars.
Rent a Coder is a closed auction, so coders can only see their own bids and comments. Buyers can view every posting made on their bid requests. |
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No bidding allowed, because this bid request was cancelled.
Cancelled Date: |
5/22/2003 10:24:41 AM
Cancelled Reason: |