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Printing Problems
Bid Request Id: 6263
I need some help with the below code I am trying to send the typed information straight to the print for it to print of in any type of word format that the user has it been done in visual basic 6 and I keep getting access denied I hope some one can help
Private Sub lblnext_Click(Index As Integer) Dim I As Integer, retval As Long, csp As Integer, cep As Integer Dim fs
'todo can only load this from runtime version 'rtb1.LoadFile "blankquote.rtf", rtfRTF 'todo can only load this from development version 'rtb1.LoadFile "c:\blankquote.rtf", rtfRTF
' Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ' Set a = fs.CreateTextFile("c:\testfile.txt", True) ' a.WriteLine ("This is a test.") ' a.Close
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Set a = fs.CreateTextFile("c:\testfile.txt", True) 'a.WriteLine ("This is a test.") 'a.Close
'todoruntime remove c:\ in front of file names fs.CopyFile "blankquote.rtf", "c:quotation.rtf" Open "c:\quotation.rtf" For Append As #1 Print #1, Print #1, "\par \pard \qc {\b\fs32 Quotation Letter}" Print #1,
' 'below did not work for me. ' '3 is append mode, 0 is TristateFalse which Opens the file as ASCII. ' Set f = fs.OpenTextFile("c:\quotation.rtf", 3, 0) ' f.write "\par \pard \qc " & "Quotation Letter" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' For I = 0 To 1 ' f.write lbldetails(I) & " " & text1(I).Text & vbCrLf ' Next I ' f.write "}"
For I = 0 To 1 Print #1, "\par \pard " & lbldetails(I) & " " & text1(I).Text & vbCrLf Next I
Print #1, "\par " Print #1, "\par _____________________________________________________________________" Print #1, "\par \pard {\ul\b\fs32 APR (Variable): \~}" Print #1, "\par " Print #1, "\par " Print #1, "\par \pard Interest Rate \tab \tab " & _ frmQuotation.Label1(10) & _ " \tab \tab \tab Valuation Fee \tab \tab " & _ frmMortgageFees.txtfee(0).Text
Print #1, "\par Initial Monthly Payment \tab " & _ frmQuotation.Label1(12) & _ " \tab \tab \tab Booking Fee \tab \tab \tab " & _ frmMortgageFees.txtfee(2).Text
Print #1, "\par Advance \tab \tab \tab " & _ frmQuotation.Label1(9) & _ " \tab \tab Arrangement Fee \tab \tab " & _ frmMortgageFees.txtfee(1).Text
Print #1, "\par Cashback \tab \tab \tab " & _ frmOtherInfo.t
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$8 (USD)
Dec 10, 2001 12:14:57 PM EDT
There appear to be some small errors in the code but I can't quite debug the code as I need the project file. |