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small changes to PHP script
Bid Request Id: 61862
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frox (7 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 10 )
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May 7, 2003 9:05:38 AM EDT
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May 12, 2003 9:04:46 AM EDT
Viewed (by coders): |
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I have a simple PHP script to store online the hi-scores of an offline game. I need a few changes to it, maybe 1 hour work!
it is called like this:
score is the score nick is the nickname the user will chose check is a checksum of the score to avoid tampering in the score (a numerical function of the score to be agreed upon)
The script does:
1 check if the checksum is ok, if otherwise gives an error
2 check if the same nickname / IP has submitted the score in the last hour, if so redirect to a page warning htat the score has been stored already
3 store the information (nickname, score and time). If the player already had a score, overwrite the old score only if it's lower.
4 go to an acknowledgment page saying:"congratulations, you have scored 123 out of 1234 players"
In this page there will be also a link saying provide to the "top score list" see below
Part B: display the score
This script displays the scores it has received, dividing them in pages of N entries each
The script is already done, all I need is a few corrections.
The problems to correct are:
1) The scores are now kept in an un-sorted file. I would be easy to keep this file sorted, so a lot of things would be easier (see below). There is already a sort routine in the section that shows the list, it just needs to be transplanted in the "store score" section.
2) When the player sends his score, he gets the message "You have scored X out Y" This X is currently his score, it should be his position within the hi-score list (if I am the third top-gamer in a group of 100, I get the message "you have scored 3 out of 100")
3) The other thing is that when in hiscore.php i see "Click here to see the top score list." the link should go to the right page of the score in my list. So, if I am 27th in the score list and $score_per_page is 10, I should go to the third page, with positions 21-30.
4) Check that the nickname is not empty.
continued below....
Deliverables: (description continued) 5) change the checksum algorithm. I will have to implement the algorithm on Windows machines, so I need an algorithm that gives the same result on different platforms even with accented characters The easiest solution is: during checksum ignore all characters except 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '0'-'9'
6) For security reasons please discard from all user input the usual harmful characters.
7) in score and check only accept digits
The script is enclosed in the ZIP file
1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done.
2) Installation package that will install the software (in ready-to-run condition) on the platform(s) specified in this bid request.
3) Complete ownership and distribution copyrights to all work purchased.
PHP, linux
Must be 100% finished and received by buyer on:
May 15, 2003 EDT
Deadline legal notes: All times are expressed in the time zone of the site EDT (UT - 5). If the buyer omitted a time, then the deadline is 11:59:59 PM EDT on the indicated date.
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May 7, 2003 9:43:21 AM EDT
Do you still need someone to help you? If so please send me the script too...
May 7, 2003 10:30:31 AM EDT
It seems that this script is written for PHP3... Do you already have PHP4 on your hosting so I can use its features?
May 7, 2003 10:44:24 AM EDT
And about the checksum algorithm... I suggest to use md5 here. It is a standard hashing algorithm so you will have no problem finding a code snippet to use it on Windows and it is complex enough to provide very high security when used the right way. Is it ok to use it?
May 7, 2003 11:04:34 AM EDT
Is that acceptable to change the data file format a bit?
This bid was accepted by the buyer!
$22 (USD)
May 7, 2003 12:15:01 PM EDT
Here is your script revamped.
Attached File