Show Bid Request
File Input/Output loading, reading parallel arrays, searching a string array
Bid Request Id: 60697
Posted by: |
djhowie99 (2 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 10 )
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Very Good - 0.00%
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Approved on: |
May 1, 2003 10:47:09 AM EDT
Bidding Closes: |
May 2, 2003 1:49:10 PM EDT
Viewed (by coders): |
81 times
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(A1) Enter student data from keyboard and write to file. (A2) Read student data from this file into a group of parallel arrays (or a struc array) and display the array contents. (B) Repeatedly prompt for a student name, search for and display the student&'s data (if found).
I will send the files needed to complete this project.
Deliverables: 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done.
2) Installation package that will install the software (in ready-to-run condition) on the platform(s) specified in this bid request.
3) Complete ownership and distribution copyrights to all work purchased.
(A1) Modify program readtofile.c to load the following arrays from the keyboard. After loading, display the array contents. Student Arrays (all of size STUDMAX=10). Reject any entries that do not meet the requirements below.
a. stud_id[ ] = array of student id&'s exactly 6 char in length
b. stud_last[ ] = array of student last names (15 char max)
c. stud_first[ ] = array of student first names (15 char max)
d. stud_gpa[ ] = array of gpa values validated to be in range 0.0 - 4.0
(A2) Modify program readfrfile.c to load the above arrays from the file. After loading, display the array contents.
(B) Add a search function to program readfrfile.c. This function, in a loop, prompts the user for a student name (last, first), searches for and displays the student&'s data (if found). If the name is not found, display a “not found” message.
1. For a 15 char max stringsize, you must define the string as having at least 16 chars to allow for the null string terminator.
2. The columns in the student data display should be user friendly and line up.
3. Be sure to show all the invalid cases in your tests, including student found, not found. Also two students with same last name.
Sample Output: Keyboard to File
> studkeytofile
id=123 must be exactly 6 characters
id=1234567 must be exactly 6 characters
gpa= 4.10 is not > 0.0 and <= 4.0
gpa= 0.00 is not > 0.0 and <= 4.0
do another student? (y/n):y
student: 123456 lastname15chars firstname15char 3.40
do another student? (y/n):y
student: smith1 Smith Leslie 3.20
do another student? (y/n):y
student: Jones1 Jones Harold 3.40
do another student? (y/n):n
student: Carter Howard Carter 2.10
======= students===========
id last first gpa
123456 lastname15chars firstname15char 3.4
smith1 Smith Leslie 3.2
Jones1 Jones Harold 3.4
Carter Howard Carter 2.1
supply output filename students1.dat
successfil file creation
Sample Output: File to Array
> studfiletoload
supply input filename students1.dat
======= students===========
id last first gpa
123456 lastname15chars firstname15char 3.4
smith1 Smith Leslie 3.2
Jones1 Jones Harold 3.4
Carter Howard Carter 2.1
end of input processing
Sample Output: Array Limit Test
> studfiletoload
supply input filename students2.txt
abcdef Harwick Harold 3.0 -discarded, array full
ghijkl Montana Joseph 2.9 -discarded, array full
======= students===========
id last first gpa
120000 LastNameabcdefg FirstNameabcdefg 4.0
120001 Smith John 3.9
120009 Jones Fred 3.8
110008 Michigan Louis 3.7
09aa03 Ontario Philip 3.6
00009a Willemantic Jeffrey 3.5
aaa000 Southbird Edwina 3.4
111000 Willemantic Louisa 3.3
999900 Maine Richard 3.2
999990 Vermont Stephan 3.1
end of input processing
student search: last name=:Willemantic
first name=:Jeffrey
id last first gpa
00009a Willemantic Jeffrey 3.5
do another search? (y/n)y
student search: last name=:Willemantic
first name=:Louis
Willemantic, Louis not found
do another search? (y/n)y
student search: last name=:LastNameabcdefg
first name=:firstNameabcdefg
LastNameabcdefg, firstNameabcdefg not found
do another search? (y/n)y
student search: last name=:LastNameabcdefg
first name=:FirstNameabcdefg
id last first gpa
120000 LastNameabcdefg FirstNameabcdefg 4.0
do another search? (y/n)y
linux unix
Must be 100% finished and received by buyer on:
May 3, 2003 EDT
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We monitor all site activity for such violations and can instantly expel transgressers on the spot, so we thank you in advance for your cooperation.
If you notice a violation please help out the site and report it. Thanks for your help.
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This bid was accepted by the buyer!
$15 (USD)
May 1, 2003 10:53:22 AM EDT
I can make this program for you within a few hours since your acceptance of my bid. I will also provide comprehensive comments. Regards, Dan. |