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Guessing Game #1
Bid Request Id: 39292
Posted by: |
aminew (21 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 10 )
Non-action Ratio: |
Very Good - 0.00%
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Approved on: |
Dec 10, 2002 8:37:53 PM EDT
Bidding Closes: |
Dec 12, 2002 8:44:46 PM EDT
Viewed (by coders): |
117 times
Deadline: |
12/13/2002 8:44:46 PM
This assignment requires you to make modifications to the guessing game program I have attached.
Modification #0
At program startup, prompt and read the user's name.
Please enter your name: <John Doe>
Issue the following welcome message:
Hello USER_NAME...
You are playing the "PROGRAMMER_NAME" Guessing Game (Version 1.0)
Replace USER_NAME with the name entered by the user converted to all upper-case.
PROGRAMMER_NAME should be a manifest constant having your full name as a value. The programmer name must be printed enclosed in double quotes.
Modification #1
Do not allow the user to enter duplicate guesses [hint: you need to use an array]. If they do, then issue the following error message:
You have already guessed NN.
where NN is the number guessed by the user.
Duplicate guesses are not counted as wrong guesses.
Modification #2
Prior to terminating the program (i.e. when the user is done playing games or the maximum number of games have been played), print the following game summary.
Guessing Game Summary for USER_NAME
Game #1: 15 8 guesses
Game #2: 77 4 guesses
Game #3: 53 You Quit
Game #4: 8 3 guesses
You successfully won 3 of 4 games (75.0%).
Average # of guesses per winning game: 5.0
USER_NAME should be the name of the user who played the game. The first column is the program generated number (e.g. the program's random number in game #1 was 15). The average number of guesses should include the guess count for winning games only (i.e. don't include guess counts from games where the user quit). [hint: use an array to store game counters]
Deliverables: 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done.
windows XP
Must be 100% finished and received by buyer on:
Dec 13, 2002 8:44:46 PM EDT
Deadline legal notes: All times are expressed in the time zone of the site EDT (UT - 5). If the buyer omitted a time, then the deadline is 11:59:59 PM EDT on the indicated date.
Additional Files:
This bid request includes IMPORTANT additional attached files. Please download and read fully before bidding.
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This bid was accepted by the buyer!
$7 (USD)
Dec 10, 2002 11:46:54 PM EDT
I can make the modifications in 30 minutes. Do you want me to get started now? :) _____________________________________ Invest in me and I guarantee quality
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