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Dynamic Graphics
Bid Request Id: 326
Posted by: Connectweb (1 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 10)
Posted:  EST
Bidding Closes:  EST
Viewed: 1037 times
100% of work completed and accepted. Coder has been paid.
Max Accepted Bid: Bidding is closed
Project Type: Small Business Project ($100 - $500)
Bidding Type: Open Auction
Categories: Web, Database, Graphics / Art / Music, Language Specific, ASP, Internet Browser
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Ok here is what we need.

1 ) need an addition to an asp program we already have. We need to be able
to dynamically generate a round graphic based on dimensions obtained by a
database query, and text from a user input box.
The text must fit into a specified arc and have the ability to work within a
beginning and ending angle around the diameter of the arc. Text must be
able to be placed around the top or bottom of an arc. We already have the
ability to generate rectangle/square graphics. We are using Server objects
AspImage to generate the graphic, So the round graphic would need to use
this. We can already pull any data from the db, we just need the round text
to be generated.

2 ) Same program Need to be able to generate a dynamic graphic that would
be of a particular size depending on input from a database query the graphic
would be square, round or rectangle depending on the database query results.
The only problem is it needs to be at least 600dpi x 600dpi (quality) tiff.
The graphic must be saved to the web server and / or e-mailed out. AspImage
does not have the ability (that we can tell) to generate this quality of a
graphic so any means would be acceptable provided it works in an ASP page.

These can be bid as two separate or preferable one bid the

Deliver all requirements as stated in the description above and must work with the existing program see

then select any of the products displayed.

Special Conditions / Other:
you must provide release of all rights to the source code to us.

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All monetary amounts on the site are in United States dollars.
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Name Bid Amount Date Coder Rating
This bid was accepted by the buyer!
(4 ratings)
in Karachi, 
$1,000 6/14/2001 5:49:03 AM EST  10
I have prepared a little demo project in VB which generates the round graphic. You can download the application from

This project will be modified to work with ASP, save the output to a file in the required resolution+format, and incorporate any other changes u might require. My bid includes transfer of all rights and source code.

Please note that this is a quick and dirty model and can be refined to include more features (custom fonts, anti-clockwise fonts etc.)

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