Show Bid Request
Sorting Objects
Bid Request Id: 31597
Posted by: |
MongloidOO (4 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 9.5 )
Posted: |
Oct 18, 2002 6:47:50 PM EDT
Bidding Closes: |
Oct 27, 2002 EDT
Viewed (by coders): |
78 times
Deadline: |
reading data from text file
sorting objects instead of numbers
more pull down menus
action handling
full javadocs
and a few modifications to the code provided.
Deliverables: Document the following:
Comment all the methods in all classes, have them package or public accessible.
Comment any new fields, use protected access.
Add one sentence description for all inner classes if you have any.
Generate Javadocs for all non-private methods and fields.
Give your design in a Javadoc that describes all public and protected interfaces. Make all the methods you write protected and your fields that your children do not need access to private. This way you can generate a Javadocs which describes all you methods and only a subset of the fields.
Document your new classes (action handlers, dialog boxes, etc).
Use clear variable, method and class names. Do not use magic numbers. Comment all code blocks. Beautify your code. Indent correctly, do not exceed 90 characters per line, have spaces around arithmetic and logic operators, etc.
Modify Look and Feel
1. Change title on JFrame to "Object Sorting by Bob" . Remove button panel.
2. Add pull down menus to the application. Use the notepad approach. The root menu should have:
File, Look and Feel,Sort, Stop, Algorithm
File - List of four data files. Look and Feel - 1. Set speed. Have the three speeds as a submenu. 2.Select which fields to graph (X, Y, Z) using check boxes. The user can graph one, two or all the attributes.
Sort - select the attribute on which you sort (what the compareTo() will compare) and start sorting 1.X 2.Y 3.Z
4. Stop - stop sorting
5. Algorithm - select sort algorithm 1. List sort algorithms
Note: X, Y, and Z are attributes of an object of the SortData class. I could have just as easily called the attributes height, weight, and age and the class EmployeeRecord 3. Associate an action with each menu item. Each action shall print an identifying message to System.out. (The following examples include code to construct a toolbar. Because of this the constructor includes an ImageIcon. You can leave that formal parameter out.)
Use an abstract action created with an inner class as below
//first button and menu item Action leftAction = new AbstractAction("Go left", new ImageIcon(getURL("./images/left.gif"))) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { /////////////////////////////////////// // place your code here to handle the action ////////////////////////////////////// } }; // construct button for toolbar button = toolBar.add(leftAction); button.setText(""); //an icon-only button button.setToolTipText("This is the left button"); // add item to menu menuItem = mainMenu.add(leftAction); menuItem.setIcon(null); //arbitrarily chose not to use icon in menu
or create a class and instantiate
class FindAction extends AbstractAction { CustomDialog customDialog;
FindAction(ImageIconicon) { // sets NAME field do action can be identified super("Find", icon); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { /////////////////////////////////////// // place your code here to handle the action ////////////////////////////////////// } }
Action findAction = new FindAction( getURL("./images/find.gif")); // construct button for toolbar button = toolBar.add(findAction ); button.setText("Find"); button.setToolTipText("Find me some text");
// add item to menu menuItem = mainMenu.add(findAction );
1 - Implement a status bar using the example at The Swing Connection ( to display the current actions. 2 - Implement a file chooser as in Notepad or in How to Use File Choosers ( 3 - Implement a toolbar.
The Enhancement Specs are included in the zip file in the file Enhancements.

Must be 100% finished and received by buyer on:
Oct 27, 2002 EDT
Deadline legal notes: All times are expressed in the time zone of the site EDT (UT - 5). If the buyer omitted a time, then the deadline is 11:59:59 PM EDT on the indicated date.
Additional Files:
This bid request includes IMPORTANT additional attached files. Please download and read fully before bidding.
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Name |
Bid Amount |
Date |
Coder Rating |
$15 (USD)
Oct 18, 2002 9:06:33 PM EDT
Hi. I'd like very much to complete this project for you. Problem is, the bid request shows the bid acceptance date and project delivery date as 10/27. Since the work will take about 2 days, my bid of $15 is only valid if you can accept it on or before 10/25.
I look forward to working with you.
This bid was accepted by the buyer!
$2.25 (USD)
Oct 29, 2002 7:22:04 AM EDT
Posted by facilitator. After arbitration, this bid request is being closed out from the original amount of $15.00 to $2.25. |