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photo gallery
Bid Request Id: 30286
Posted by: |
projectingefficace (1 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 10 )
('Non-action' Ratio: Good - 46%)
Posted: |
Oct 8, 2002 7:52:34 AM EDT
Bidding Closes: |
Oct 10, 2002 8:03:04 AM EDT
Viewed (by coders): |
275 times
Deadline: |
What I am trying to do is create an ASP application using a SQL or Access back-end to present the user with GUI point-and-click to upload a set of images into a cohesive photo gallery. Options would be:
Deliverables: 1. Ask user to register and holds his data in a database (SQL) Create cookie so that user does not need to register again on next visits. 2. LOCAL SELECT (browser window) first things first : offer user which one he wants to use A or B (A. multiple upload left hand pane : ActiveX control for a multiple selection of local pictures (only pictures!) right hand pane : Rendering area > VBS of JS that shows thumbnails of all pictures found in the shown folder + a checkbox + rotate possibility+add caption text continue button that uploads selected (checkbox) in one step pictures come in photo gallery that is shown in right hand pane) B. one by one upload: ask user how many pictures he wants to upload and show as many file boxes as needed. user browses and fills boxes with image files continue button that uploads pictures in one step pictures come in photo gallery (see 3) that is shown in right hand pane a checkbox per picture + rotate possibility+add caption text after each upload : user is offered possibility to go back to upload screen and upload more pictures
For A and B picture properties (width & height) should be retrieved and stored in database to see LATER
users can order prints (printformats read from hidden table or textfile) and order them orders are kept in cart (client and serverside) that follows user and that he easily can find when returning to side here the property checking is in order - pixelwidth &height are checked per ordered format (9x13 - 10 x 15 - ) against a table of minimum requirements (=table holds for each format the minimum pixelwidth and height) per picture a three degree qualification is shown (bad - good - excellent)
3. all images come in SQL database as BLOBS that has a link with the usertable the usertable holds these links so that user sees his proper galleries each time he comes to site 4.uploaded pictures come in a Gallery A. in a Create Gallery module + Label Gallery (text area) or B. transparently per user (user does not create nor name gallery but it is there as a list of uploaded pictures)
in both cases : Upload Picture (if possible without component) Picture Caption (text area) a checkbox + rotate possibility+add caption text (Loop This Operation Until Gallery Complete, then) Save/End 2. Edit an Existing Gallery/Picture (similar options as above) 3. Delete an Existing Gallery/Picture (similar as above) The script could be a javascript running alonside the rendering script that, once the data is retrieved, immediately compares it to a table of minimum requirements per format (9x13 or 15x16 or ....) and shows a red cross if the pictures qualifies or not.
Server IIS5.0 Win2K and SQL 2000 or 7.0 Scripting : preferably VBS Clientside :IE explorer for one by one AND multiple upload ((ActiveX) and VBS) Navigator only for one by one upload

Must be 100% finished and received by buyer on:
Oct 14, 2002 EDT
Deadline legal notes: All times are expressed in the time zone of the site EDT (UT - 5). If the buyer omitted a time, then the deadline is 11:59:59 PM EDT on the indicated date.
Remember that contacting the other party outside of the site (by email, phone, etc.) on all business projects < $500 (before the buyer's money is escrowed) is a violation of both the software buyer and seller agreements.
We monitor all site activity for such violations and can instantly expel transgressers on the spot, so we thank you in advance for your cooperation.
If you notice a violation please help out the site and report it. Thanks for your help.
All monetary amounts on the site are in United States dollars.
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$70 (USD)
Oct 8, 2002 11:29:29 AM EDT
multiple and one by one photo upload,
I am certified in both ASP and Javascript and can provide you with a solution
- Users can upload single or multiple files, using only ASP
- Frames are optional, but you don't have to use them.
- Instead of using an activeX control for the local environment, I can provide a select file button which would open a popup window for the user to select files.
- Provide text boxes for user to enter parameters
- Validation to prevent the user from uploading unauthorized file types
- New Access Database with SQL Scripts to generate database on MS SQL Server
- Dynamic Image Gallery, with options for sorting, editing, adding, and deleting images
If you should have questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you, Howard S. Edidin |
This bid was accepted by the buyer!
$90 (USD)
Oct 9, 2002 9:28:30 AM EDT
I looked at the Powerpoint and fully understand where you are taking this. I can model the application so that it scales well.
I will provide the following:
- User can select image from folder (child window) on their machine.
- The image will be displayed when selected (current window).
- Upload Picture (one by one using VBScript) to Gallery displayed (main window). The image is saved to temp table.
- After each upload the picture will be displayed as thumbnail or in a list (main window)
- After each upload or at the end of uploads user can add caption in text box (main window)
- User then can delete picture or entire gallery.
- User can save Gallery.
The Image selection and uploading functionality would be developed using VBScript. Form validation would be developed in Javascript.
User options for changing image properties requires an ActiveX DLL. I can provide this functionality in the next phase.
I am willing to work with you and provide the above for the $ 90.00 US amount set in your bid request. I estimate that I can provide you with a beta on Saturday October 15, 2002.