<img border='0' src='http://www4.brinkster.com/divsat/logosmall.gif' align='right' width='115' height='89'>
I have gone through your
requirements and am pleased to let you know that I can deliver a solution to you
that will fit your requirement exactly.
I code database driven business solutions for a
living and know exactly what you need.
I can code the application in
ASP with SQL server/Access as the database.
The features
- Full featured shopping
- Here the user will click
add to cart, for the PDF he requires. After selecting all the files he
needs, the user will click "check out" upon which all the
selected files will get zipped and can be downloaded by the user as a
single zip file.
- Ability for admin to add
links to similar documents
- Here when the user
browses to a particular document he will see links to other files that
may be of a similar background/subject and may be of interest to him.
- Document upload using
pure ASP no need for any third party upload components
- Comprehensive search for
advanced users as well a quick search feature for novices.
Any other features that you
wish to incorporate could be discussed and incorporated prior to bid closure.
About my background:
I have over 5 years of experience on developing
business solutions with Visual Basic, Oracle and Access and ASP and offer you an efficient and cost-effective
I have been consistently rated "excellent" by all
previous clients on RentACoder and offer 3 months of free technical support
after delivery and well documented code.
A quick response from you will help me deliver the
solution equally fast.
Satyajit Hatangadi.
(Certified Visual Basic, Oracle & ASP Developer from