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Shopping Basket
Bid Request Id: 29920
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Posted by: Shopping Basket (1 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 10)
Posted: Oct 5, 2002
2:44:09 PM EDT
Bidding Closes: Oct 7, 2002
12:00:00 PM EDT
Viewed (by coders): 139 times
Deadline: 10/11/2002
100% of work was accepted by buyer. Coder account has been credited.
Max Accepted Bid: Bidding is closed
Project Type: Personal Project / Homework Help
Bidding Type: Open Auction
Categories: Page Design, Database, ASP
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(0 active users at Jan 30, 2003 3:23:49 PM EDT)

Hi There

I,m a part-time student in web-designing and need to hand in a fully functionnal shoppingbasket assignment.
It must be written purely in asp and I would prefer that it to be designed in Dreamvwearer 4 or MX. You must use Access 2000 or 2002 as your database and the DSN name must be "it2002164shoppingbasket" and all the apropiate tables.

I started with this assignment(did not do much) but haven't got the time to finish it as I am employed during the day. I will e-mail you the small part that I have done just to see more or less how I want it to look. I want to sell motorbikes and I will also e-mail you all the photos large and thumbnails and the full description of the bikes.

You want you to continue on what I have done so far. I basically need the asp coding an ddatabase. The background, colours and other fancy stuff I will do myself.

1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done.

1. Default.asp with links to the following pages.
-View Cart
-View Wishlist
-View Account

The user must only be able to view the cataloque before registering and login. To do anything else the user must be registered and login. If not the user must be redirected to an error page with the apropiate message and a link to go back to either the register or login page.

When registering, all compulsary fields must be filled in. If not the user must be redirected to an error page with an apropiate message and a link back to the register page. The same for the password and confirm password. If the passwords does not match the user must be redirected to an error page and link back.

You can just carryon with the cataloque page. I did started with the link on "bmw". I want to keep more or less that layout for all the bikes under BMW as for all the other makes. There must be a link to view the specification of each bike. A link to view large image of thumbnail. A link to add the product to wishlist. A link to add product to shopping cart.

Ther are all to gether 6 different manufacture bikes with 2 or 3 model under each manufacturer.

2. Register.asp

- you can leave that page as is and just validate all the compulsary fields as requested above.

3. Login.asp

- The user must be able to fill in his username and password.
- If he mistyped his username or password he must be redirected to an error page with an apropiate message and link back to the login page.
- If the user was not found in the database he must be redirected to an error page with an apropiate message and a link to the register page.

4. Logout

- The user must just be able to click on this link to logout

5. View_cart.asp

- It must be displayed in a table with the following headings.

.Product ID
.Make and Model

- There must also be 2 buttons here. One to select an item and to delete it.The second button to move an item from the cart to the "wishlist".
- If the cart is emty there must be an apropiate message saying it is emty.
- There must also be a link back to the cataloque page saying "Add products" and a link to "Check Out"

[the check out link must take you to the page "check_out1.asp". This page must show all the items for purchase in a table with the total ext. If you press submit it must take you to "check_out2.asp".
This page must show your delivery/address details and you must be able to make any chages here and the database must then also be updated. When you submit you go to "check_out3.asp".This page must show your payment details, be able to change and update the database. When you submit you go to "Check_out4.asp".
This page must show your invoice with the invoice number.]

6. View_wishlist.asp

- The wishlist must be dispayed the same as the "view cart" with all the buttons except for the check out link.

7. View_account.asp

- The view account page must have links to the following pages.

.View orders
This page must show all the product that the user want to order. The layout can be the same as "View cart"

.Delivery/Address Detail
This page must only show show the delivery/Address details that has been entered in the register page.

.Payment Details
Same as above

.Cancel Order
This page must allow the user to cancel the whole order.

.Change Password
On this page the user must be able to change their password and it must be updated on the database.

Windows 98and up
Internet explorer 5 and up

Must be 100% finished and received by buyer on:

Oct 11, 2002 EDT
Deadline legal notes: All times are expressed in the time zone of the site EDT (UT - 5). If the buyer omitted a time, then the deadline is 11:59:59 PM EDT on the indicated date.

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All monetary amounts on the site are in United States dollars.
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This bid was accepted by the buyer!
(22 ratings)
in Calcutta, West Bengal
This coder is certified! Click here for transcript
$50 (USD) Oct 6, 2002
1:34:39 PM EDT

The shopping cart which I have is a basic ASP online catalog and virtual shopping cart that can be easily integrated into an existing web template. A great e-commerce solution for the small business. If you accept my bid then you will get what you want on time.

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