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VB6 code to set up an Array in a data_report
Bid Request Id: 29848
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infomed (37 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 10 )
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Very Good - 14.81%
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Oct 4, 2002 8:33:33 PM EDT
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Oct 18, 2002 8:34:24 PM EDT
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409 times
I need somebody to show me how to use the following code to build an array (I believe this is the best way to do this).
I am pulling between zero and 50 times from a schedule database with the following code.
Once I pull the recordset, I want to display the schedule, but can't figure out how to do it.
What do I need to do this? You can put code in the data_report, but that's it.
The code below will basically put one row into my data_report, but if there are 50 recordsets, only the last one appears. How do I have controls made on the fly to fit the number of records returned, without having to set up tons of labels at design time?
Thanks Jon
Private Sub DataReport_Initialize()
'get schedule Dim cnn1 As ADODB.Connection Dim strQry As String Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset strQry = "Select * from Scheduling Where Scheduling.Date Like '" & p_ScheduleDate & "' Order By Scheduling.Date"
Set cnn1 = New ADODB.Connection cnn1.ConnectionString = g_ADOschedule cnn1.Open
Set rs = GetRecordSet(cnn1, strQry) 'get the recordset
Me.Sections(1).Controls(1).Caption = p_ScheduleTitleDate
Do While rs.EOF = False If Not IsNull(rs!Date) Then VisitTime = Format((rs!Date), "hh:mm AMPM") Else VisitTime = "" End If If Not IsNull(rs!name) Then name = rs!name Else name = "" End If If Not IsNull(rs!Phone) Then Phone = rs!Phone Else Phone = "" End If If Not IsNull(rs!VisitType) Then VisitType = rs!VisitType Else VisitType = "" End If If Not IsNull(rs!Booker) Then Booker = Left(rs!Booker, 10) & " " & Format(rs!DateBooked, "mm/dd/yy") Else Booker = "" End If rs.MoveNext Loop
Set cnn1 = Nothing Set rs = Nothing Me.Sections(3).Controls(1).Caption = VisitTime Me.Sections(3).Controls(2).Caption = name Me.Sections(3).Controls(3).Caption = Phone Me.Sections(3).Controls(4).Caption = VisitType Me.Sections(3).Controls(5).Caption = Booker
End Sub
Deliverables: 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done.
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Special Conditions / Other:
I'm not looking for anything fancy, just some good and well commented code which will turn this one rs into 50, if need be.
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