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Small assignment
Bid Request Id: 28804
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Suraj (4 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 7.75 )
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Sep 26, 2002 1:18:40 PM EDT
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Sep 28, 2002 1:21:20 PM EDT
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Learn the use of Java classes and exceptions Practice programming in Java and implementation of ADT Description (Part 1) Programming
Download the files which contain C implementation of the abstract data type Stack along with a sample application which uses the Stack. Your task is to re-implement the same ADT and the application in Java while observing the following instructions:
Instruction 1: your implementation of the Stack must be a Java class which implements methods declared by the Java Stack Interface.
Instruction 2: The Stack_Element in your implementation must be the Integer object and not the built-in value int.
Instruction 3: In your implementation, define an exception called StackEmptyException and use in the Stack methods to indicate when a method encounters an empty Stack. Description (Part 2) Documentation and short answers
In a text file (call it assignment1_docs.txt), write your answers to the following questions:
Question 1: Write a brief report explaining the design of your Stack implementation in Java and how an application can use it.
Question 2: In stack_main.c, the C code has the following structure: while(..){ ... Show(myStack); ... } State and explain the complexity of the above code fragment which results in printing the content of the Stack in terms of the number of the stack elements N. Provide examples for worst, best and average cases.
Question 3: Instruction 2 required the Stack_Element to be an Object instead of the value int. Briefly explain how the two different types may affect the content of the a stack node and parameter passing. Provide examples. Marking Scheme
The marks are allocated as follows: Part 1 - Instruction 1: 30 marks Part 1 - Instruction 2: 10 marks Part 1 - Instruction 3: 20 marks Part 2 - Question 1: 10 marks Part 2 - Question 2: 10 marks Part 2 - Question 3: 10 marks TA Marking: 10 marks (see Coding Style And Assignment Regulations ) Total: 100 marks
If u think u can do my assignemnt then email me and i will send u the C files
Deliverables: 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done.
2) Installation package that will install the software (in ready-to-run condition) on the platform(s) specified in this bid request.
3) Complete ownership and distribution copyrights to all work purchased.
Must be 100% finished and received by buyer on:
Sep 29, 2002 EDT
Deadline legal notes: All times are expressed in the time zone of the site EDT (UT - 5). If the buyer omitted a time, then the deadline is 11:59:59 PM EDT on the indicated date.
Special Conditions / Other:
If u finsih it before the due date i might give u a bonus.
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If you notice a violation please help out the site and report it. Thanks for your help.
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This bid was accepted by the buyer!
$5 (USD)
Sep 26, 2002 3:12:40 PM EDT
I can have this done for you in less than an hour after I know you have accepted my bid.
I just took an entire class on data structures this summer, and so have much recent knowledge on such implementations.
Best Regards, elohmrow