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Bid Request Id: 28566
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Fritz (4 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 10 )
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Approved on: |
Sep 24, 2002 3:46:34 PM EDT
Bidding Closes: |
Sep 27, 2002 3:00:00 PM EDT
Viewed (by coders): |
289 times
Deadline: |
9/27/2002 3:00:00 PM
How much would it cost to have the computer translate the letters of a word(s) to a different letter of the alphabet or number, and numbers to a letter of the alphabet or different number base on an establish AlphaNumeric Translation Schematic.
Everything is all prepared, no development is necessary!
The entire program is fairly simple, the programming... after reading the program should only take 1-3 hours.
I need immediate turn-around! days so to speak... if I was to be satisfy with the quote. Eager to get this done.
Please respond as promptly as possible, thank you!
Here is a more detailed overview of the program:
The Program I have developed is what is will be use to reveal hidden messages in regard to a Word(s) or Number(s) when enter into the computer, for the computer to search. This program is comparable to the infamous BIBLE CODE phenomenon, where by the computer skips an equidistance of letters to reveal hidden messages. This is of similar concept, except letters and numbers are what are being translated to a different Letter of the alphabet or Number to reveal hidden messages in regard to the Word(s) or Number(s).
1. Enter the AlphaNumeric Translation Schematic into the computer that will be provided to which will be use to reveal hidden messages in regard to a Word(s) Number(s) by the translation of the letters; numbers of a Word(s) or specific Number(s)
2. Once the AlphaNumeric Translation Schematic has been program into the computer, the computer is what is to allow one to enter a Word(s) or Number(s) or the combination of both to which one will have the computer search for hidden messages.
3. Before the computer begin its search, the computer is what is to first Alphabetically Re-arrange the letters of the Word(s) (alphabetize) and Numerically Re-arrange the numbers of a specific Number(s).
sky=ksy | fire=efir | cloud=cdlou 4820=0248 | $7593=3579 | 73%=37
Deliverables: Example:
good=d(pos.#4) g(pos.#7) o(pos.#15=6) o(pos.#15=6) The computer is what is to plug the other o valued at a reduce single digit (6) between D and G because 6 is what falls between them. For this is what is to be done for all repeating Letters--The computer first Alphabetize the Letters of a word(s) and then take the remaining Letters that are repeative and plug them in their correct spot that they fall in, starting with the very first opening spot, forming the complete re-arrangement of the Letters of the Word(s).
good= 1st: dgoo | 2nd and final re-arrangement: dogo
A similar Principle is what also apply to Numbers, except the numbers are what are and is to go from the least to the greatest, imitating their natural numerical order.
744=474 | 83.3085%=035838 | $40609914=01469049
4. Once the computer has done this, the computer is to form the Words; Numbers if there are more than one word or number into ONE strand of Letters and Numbers before beginning the Translation of each letter and number of a Word(s) Number(s)
blue sky=belu ksy=beluksy hot fire=hot efir=hotefir 4510, $9374=0145 3479=01453479 born 1958=bnor 1589=bnor1589
5. The computer is to begin the translation with the very first Letter or Number of the Word or specific Number or of the single strand, and then move on to the rest.
When translating the letters start with the initial predetermined Letter and move on an ongoing counter-clockwise sequesence; step at each re-appearances of that letter within the word or in the single strand and also doing the translation. The exact same thing apply to Numbers except for one extra step, firs start with the one in PURPLE and then move on to the on in BLUE then RED and so on at each re-appearances of that number--now each time the number find its way back to the same color will then the same exact principle that is demonstrated above for letters will be apply to the Numbers--first start with the initial predetermined Letter of the number in that color and move on an ongoing counter-clockwise sequesence; step at each re-appearances of the number in that color.
letter=etlert~EZG 7OA 733533=357333~Q[3] H[5] P[7] V[3] C[3] Q[3] ~ BTCOIE
- this does not display the colors - - see the AlphaNumeric Translation Schematic and the OMN manual in its entirety in the Attachments below -
The computer is to make a total of 3,000 Translations of Letters and Numbers before ending its search in regard to the Word(s) Number(s)
sky=ksy~EAC=3 translations hot fire=hotefir~TIZEYYO=7 translations
6. After the computer had end its search, is what is to display its findings on its Main Window to be viewed.
Quick Overview:
1. The computer is to first alphabetize the letters of a Word(s); Numerically re-arrange the Numbers if there are in group of two or more.
2. The computer is to Form the words; numbers into one strand of letters, numbers if any is included.
3. The computer is to begin the Translation with the first letter or number.
4. The computer is to end the search after the translation of 3,000 letters and numbers.
5. The computer is to display its findings on its main window.
The program is of a basic setup, nothing elaborate, but of the same construction of a basic word processor such as: Microsoft Works Word Processor
I feel this is a simple program that should not take long to do.
I will need this done by this week, this Wednseday if possible, if not Thursday, Thank you!
Windows 98
Must be 100% finished and received by buyer on:
Sep 27, 2002 3:00:00 PM EDT
Deadline legal notes: All times are expressed in the time zone of the site EDT (UT - 5). If the buyer omitted a time, then the deadline is 11:59:59 PM EDT on the indicated date.
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This bid request includes IMPORTANT additional attached files. Please download and read fully before bidding.
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Sep 26, 2002 5:06:20 PM EDT
I deleted it. You were quiet for a long time and I really hate tight deadlines. And then there's some time the escrow payment takes to clear. I will continue working on it now, hopefully I will finish it today. I know I'm boring with this, but extend the deadline and I will post new bid. |
This bid was accepted by the buyer!
$50 (USD)
Sep 26, 2002 5:44:30 PM EDT
Thanx |