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clickbank protection script
Bid Request Id: 25366
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Posted by: azshow (3 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 10)
Non-action Ratio: Very Good - 0.00%
Posted: Aug 24, 2002
5:01:43 PM EDT
Bidding Closes: Sep 7, 2002
5:25:11 PM EDT
Viewed (by coders): 240 times
Deadline: 9/30/2002
100% of work completed and accepted. Coder has been paid.
Max Accepted Bid: Bidding is closed
Project Type: Very Small Business Project: under $100 (USD)
Bidding Type: Open Auction
Categories: Web, Java, PHP, ASP, Internet Browser, Security
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(0 active users at Apr 26, 2003 9:04:30 AM EDT)

I sell downloadable products on the Internet through Clickbank. The credit card processing is done via Clickbank. Once my customers credit card is approved, my customer is sent to my thankyou.html page. The thankyou.htmlpage has a link to the downloadable product. After that, my customer will always have the url to my thankyou.html page. I cannot prevent them from sending others to this url and collecting the money for themselves

I need a Java Script, php or asp code that can insure that any visitor to the 'thankyou.html' page would only reach that page as a result of successfully having their credit card processed by ClickBank. Visitors that arrived at the page any other way (typing in the url), should be sent to my home page.

If done is JS, I would actually like this to be saved as an encrypted javascript file (to prevent others from stealing this file) that I can upload to my host. I would then put a script on each thankyou.html page that would call to this script upon page entry for verification.

Complete and fully-functional working program as well as complete source code of all work done.

I want to be able to customize the code to use for any domain. In other words, if someone wants to pay me to insert the code on their host for protection, it should be able to be done

Software will do the following:

1: Verify if user gets to thankyou.html page only after successfully having credit card processed by Clickbank

2:If visitor tries to access the thankyou.html page in any other way, like typing in the direct url, they will be denied access and sent back to home page.

Complete copyrights to all work purchased.

Should be able to run on all 3.0+ Internet Explorer and Netscape browsers

Must be 100% finished and received by buyer on:
Sep 30, 2002 EDT
Deadline legal notes: All times are expressed in the time zone of the site EDT (UT - 5). If the buyer omitted a time, then the deadline is 11:59:59 PM EDT on the indicated date.

Remember that contacting the other party outside of the site (by email, phone, etc.) on all business projects < $500 (before the buyer's money is escrowed) is a violation of both the software buyer and seller agreements. We monitor all site activity for such violations and can instantly expel transgressers on the spot, so we thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you notice a violation please help out the site and report it. Thanks for your help.
All monetary amounts on the site are in United States dollars.
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Name   Bid Amount 
Date   Coder Rating  
(109 ratings)
in Sintra, Lisbon
Bid id: 286,564
$100 (USD) Aug 24, 2002
6:13:31 PM EDT
Hi azshow,

NOTE: I'm bidding $100 because thats minimum allowed for this project type!! If you like my bid and decide to pick me, you should start a private auction where I can bid $15 - my intended price!

I've setup a live demonstration for you.

First, try to access this page: - this is your 'Thank you' page; you should be redirected to the homepage, since you come from the wrong place.

Now, try - and click the link to the 'Thank you' page. You should now be accepted in.

I havent implemented encryption yet; but if you decide to choose my bid I'll program a small C++ application (will provide source) which will encrypt the JavaScript code of this protection.

ANY questions or comments please contact me!

Thank you,
Sérgio Silva

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