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Acrobat to Pagemaker Conv
Bid Request Id: 22680
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Posted by: Zlighting (2 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 10)
Posted: Jul 24, 2002
12:13:26 PM EDT
Bidding Closes: Aug 11, 2002
1:04:14 PM EDT
Viewed (by coders): 188 times
Deadline: 8/16/2002
100% of work was accepted by buyer. Coder account has been credited.
Max Accepted Bid: Bidding is closed
Project Type: Small Business Project: $100 (USD) +
Bidding Type: Open Auction
Categories: Graphics / Art / Music, MultiMedia, Graphics
Enter chat room for this bid request
(0 active users at Jan 15, 2003 5:23:06 AM EDT)

** This Bid has changed since it was originally posted. Please see the attached file to view the changes

I have created a CD-Rom Caltalog in Adobe Acrobat. This was done by using distiller and writing from several reports in MS Access (database driven). This was fine for a CD-ROM catalog bu I now need to have it printed. I need to have the postscript files from the Acrobat converted into Abobe Pagemaker (7.0 Windows) files that I can edit for commercial printing.

1) Convert approx 80 from Acrobat to Pagemaker format

2) Replace photographs/graphics (which are currently low resolution for Acrobat purposes) with high resolutions originals that I will supply. Graphics should be converted (as needed) in a format and resolution suitable for commercial printing. Notify me of any graphic that are not suitable so A new picture can be taken and forwarded to you.

3) "Clean up" or improve the template used for each page (this was done almost like a CSS if it were a web page)

4) Design and insert a "watermark" for the background of each sheet (must have a lighting motiff)

You can download the zip file of the sample of the catalog in acrobat (5.3MB) at:

This is not the final version but it will give you an idea.

This project is not as involved as it may sound. The key will be the ability to convert postscript files to pagemaker files.

All files in on CD must be in Pagemaker 7.0 (windows) format - must be ready to send to a commercial printer.

Sequence of events:

1) I accept you bid and will place needed files on my web site so you can down load as needed.

2) I suggest that you use a Master page as the template for all other pages.
3) 1-2 days after bid is accepted you will email me a copy of the "master page" and one sample page for approval. These should contain any of the "cleaning up" you have done, insertion of high resolution graghics on sample page, and the watermark. If you want to send over a few different variation for me to select ... this will would be appreciated.
4) I will approve.
5) Each day after this you will email all the pages you have completed (converted). This is so I can edit them (text) as needed... my time line has been pushed up so I need all the time I can get.
6)This will will continue until all work is completed
7) All work must be completed within 7 days of bid being accepted!!

Complete copyrights to all work purchased.

Windows - files to be in Pagemaker 7.0 (for windows)

Must be 100% finished and received by buyer on:

Aug 16, 2002 EDT
Deadline legal notes: All times are expressed in the time zone of the site EDT (UT - 5). If the buyer omitted a time, then the deadline is 11:59:59 PM EDT on the indicated date.

Special Conditions / Other:
Must be completed 7 days after you recive the final acrobat file.

Additional Attached Files

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(4 ratings)
in Loughborough, Leicestershire
United Kingdom
$150 (USD) Jul 28, 2002
5:39:46 AM EDT

You mention postscript files but also acrobat. I assume the files are currently in PDF format.

PageMaker 7 can import PDF files itself, making it relatively easy to import your catalog.

The time taken depends on the number of photos that need updating on each page. I've given a bid presuming there's on average 2 per page.

If you would like to give me further info about the catalog we can agree on a suitable bid.

Best regards,
  See 11 private reply(ies)
to/from PaulMdx.

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