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Fast Substrings Search
Bid Request Id: 21385
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Posted by: Ken (8 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 10)
Posted: Jul 11, 2002
2:39:46 AM EDT
Bidding Closes: Jul 23, 2002
3:05:08 AM EDT
Viewed (by coders): 293 times
Deadline: 7/25/2002
100% of work was accepted by buyer. Coder account has been credited.
Max Accepted Bid: Bidding is closed
Project Type: Personal Project / Homework Help
Bidding Type: Open Auction
Categories: Java
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(0 active users at Jan 12, 2003 12:16:54 PM EDT)

The topic of the project is Fast Search for Substrings. The theme of this project is the following:
Suppose you work in the security “company'' and your boss asks you to evaluate several possibilities for a project before he has to decide which implementation will go to production. The goal of the project is to provide a decisive solution to the problem of determining the frequency of certain (sub) strings in encrypted communications between suspected members of antigovernment groups. You are to implement several choices of “fast searching engines'' and write a report that describes your theoretical and experimental results and provide your recommendations. Therefore, your assignment will be the following:
There is an infinite string (your input) of characters and you need to determine the frequency of all substrings of length k, where k can be any (input) number between 2 and 26.

Your output should contain the following information given below:
Note: These numbers are just an example. They are not correct.

Number of occurrences No. Of Different
of a substring substrings

max 1523
max - 1 1232
max - 2 592
max - 3 107
max - 4 58

. .
. .
. .

max - 19 87

Totals: total number of substrings, total number of different substrings.

Average Number of Buckets (or elements/nodes) Examined:

chaining with ------- number of elements, for successful search
self-adjusting lists------- number of elements, for unsuccessful search

chaining with ------- number of elements, for successful search
ordered lists ------- number of elements, for unsuccessful search

binary search ------- number of elements, for successful search
trees ------- number of elements, for unsuccessful search

chaining with ------- number of elements, for successful search
binary search ------- number of elements, for unsuccessful search

The exact format of the output is not important, but the program must produce at least as much information as given above. For this project, you have to use the following Dictionary techniques
• Use hashing with chaining (using various numbers of buckets) with ordered lists to implement dictionaries (Hashing 1).
• Use hashing with chaining (using various numbers of buckets) with self-adjusting lists to implement dictionaries (Hashing 2).
• Use binary search trees (using pointers) to implement dictionaries.
• Use chaining (using various numbers of buckets) with binary search trees to implement dictionaries (Hashing 3).
You will use Chaining with the strategies mentioned above.
Test bucket tables with various numbers of buckets.
Each element (item) should contain a pair (key, data), where key is the string and data is the number of times it has appeared so far.
You don't have to use the names key and data. Your techniques should not require "too much space".
You should run your progam with the various data structures over a very large number of experiments.

Operating System: Windows Me or XP
Compiler: Microsoft Visual J++

Must be 100% finished and received by buyer on:

Jul 25, 2002 EDT
Deadline legal notes: All times are expressed in the time zone of the site EDT (UT - 5). If the buyer omitted a time, then the deadline is 11:59:59 PM EDT on the indicated date.

Remember that contacting the other party outside of the site (by email, phone, etc.) on all business projects < $500 (before the buyer's money is escrowed) is a violation of both the software buyer and seller agreements. We monitor all site activity for such violations and can instantly expel transgressers on the spot, so we thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you notice a violation, you can report it to:
All monetary amounts on the site are in United States dollars.
Rent a Coder is a closed auction, so coders can only see their own bids and comments. Buyers can view every posting made on their bid requests.

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Name   Bid Amount 
Date   Coder Rating  
(4 ratings)
in beijing, beijing
$50 (USD) Jul 11, 2002
8:42:33 PM EDT

I have 5+ years of computer programming experience under my belt.So I expect to deliver you the complete application after a short time.

I will provide full time technical support, and free lifetime maintenance of the application.

So you will get a high quality software at a very competitive price in the shortest possible time with full time technical support.

If you have any more questions to do please don't hesitate to ask me. I hope to win your preference in this bid.

Best Regards,
  See 1 private reply(ies)
to/from runing.

This bid was accepted by the buyer!
(4 ratings)
in beijing, beijing
$25 (USD) Sep 26, 2002
3:48:19 PM EDT
Posted by facilitator. After arbitration, this bid request is being closed out from the original amount of $50.00 to $25.00.

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