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program 5 (computer class)
Bid Request Id: 13325
Posted by: |
mskelly16 (1 ratings)
(Software buyer rating 10)
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Very Good - 0.00%
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Approved on: |
Apr 12, 2002 1:31:11 PM EDT
Bidding Closes: |
Apr 13, 2002 2:45:22 PM EDT
Viewed (by coders): |
120 times
Deadline: |
4/14/2002 5:00:22 PM
The Problem You have been hired by a company whose employee data is held in a file saved as employees.txt
This data is stored as follows: FML birthMonth birthDay birthYear hireMonth hireDay hireYear (where FML is the employee's three initials:First Middle Last. the next six data values are integers) ex. SAW 5 30 1959 6 12 2000
Unfortunately, this file is not easily read. you are to write a program that will read the data from this file and write it to an output file: report.txt This file will list the employee data in a neat, labelled column as follows: Employee initials date of birth date of hire ------------------------------------------------------ FML mm/dd/yyyy mm/dd/yyyy
in addition, you are to print screen only messages to employees whose birthday is today(Happy Birthday...) and employees whose hire date anniversary is today( It is time for your yearly review..) These messages should be written in two functions(these are not class funtions):
Happy Birthday- this should be called if the employee's birtday is today. it should recieve an Employee object and print a message that wishes the employee a happy birtday. begin by clearing the screen, printing the message, drawing a smiley face using stars, and end by telling the emp to take tomorrow off. use the .get() function to pause the screen.
Yearly review- this is similar except it works on the hire date anniversary. it asks them to call and make an appointment for their review followed by a dollar sign graphic from stars. it should also clear the screen at the beginning and pause the screen at end.
the program will use two classes ( i have these classes done and will send them.: Date and Employee. these are written completely. you need to draw the class diagram. the class diagram is provided for you. you need to write the class definition and all functions. then you will write a main function that will accomplish the task described above. the following are Some things you will do: Open, verify,and close two files Ask your user to enter todays date and store it as a data object Use temp variables to read data from the file and then store it in an employee object using the constructor Use a loop to read the file, store each employee in an employee object, print the object to the outfile, and call the the birthday or review function if necessary Be sure to add a complete opening comment block and internally comment all functions
Deliverables: Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done.
SAMPLE INPUT FEJ 4 1 1939 3 28 1958 LFJ 3 28 1939 4 1 1978 SAW 3 30 1959 3 28 2000 RBW 10 7 1958 7 25 1978 DMI 1 13 1980 4 1 2002 FMI 4 1 1982 4 1 2002
SAMPLE OUTPUT EMPLOYEE INITIALS BIRTHDAY DATE OF HIRE ---------------------------------------------------- FEJ 04/01/1939 03/01/1958 --- ------- --- SAMPLE SCREEN OUTPUT Enter today's date. Enter the month as an integer(1-12): 4 Enter the day as an integer 1-31_: 1 Enter the year using all 4 digits: 2002
Today is 04/12/2002 FEJ 04/01/1939 03/01/1958 (SCREEN CLEARS HERE) Happy Birtday FEJ ***** * * * * * * * * * (the dollar sign would be the * * * * same way) * *** * ***** Take tomorrow off1 hit enter to continue
Here is the employee class diagram EMPLOYEE -------------------------------------------- -FirstIni : char = ' ' -MiddleIni : char = ' ' -lastIni : char = ' ' -birthDate : date =1/1/1990 --------------------------------------------- + Employee() + Employee(char,char,char,int,int,int,int,int,int) + get_firstIni() : char + get_middleIni() : char + get_lastIni() : char + get_birthDate() : date + get_hireDate() : date + set_firstIni(char) : void + set_middleIni(char): void + set_lastIni(char) : void + set_birthDate(date): void + set_hireDate(date): void + print_initials(ostream&):void + print_employee(ostream&):void + print_birthDate(ostream&):void ------------------------------------------------------
visual c++
Must be 100% finished and received by buyer on:
Apr 14, 2002 5:00:22 PM EDT
Deadline legal notes: All times are expressed in the time zone of the site EDT (UT - 5). If the buyer omitted a time, then the deadline is 11:59:59 PM EDT on the indicated date.
Special Conditions / Other:
This is a simple program that is for a beginner computer class. i don't need it to be too advanced. The class definitions and all their functons are completely written. i will e mail those to you.
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$15 (USD)
Apr 12, 2002 3:02:35 PM EDT
I can do this for you with good comments. |