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About Benjamin Herila

Name:  Benjamin Herila
(see 3 ratings)
  in Basking Ridge, New Jersey
United States

Seller / Coder Rating:  10 (Excellent)
Sign up date:  Dec 4, 2001 4:12:46 PM EDT
Last Logged In:  Jun 23, 2003 11:04:04 AM EDT
Jobs Started:  4
Jobs Completed:  3
Missed Status Report
Warnings Issued:
Arbitrations Lost:  (out of 0 Arbitrations)
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Areas Of Expertise: 

I am an affluent programmer in a number of languages. With these languages, virtually any programming task can be completed in an efficient amount of time.

1: Visual Basic .NET
I can program well in Visual Basic.NET, both for applications and for the web. I have written a number of Visual Basic.NET programs, one application being Net Explorer, and a number of web applications which have been integrated into sites like

2: Delphi
Delphi is another language that I am extremely good at programming in. I have written a lot of programs in Delphi, but none for Rent-a-Coder. Contact me if you would like some samples.

3: ASP
I am an extremely strong programmer in ASP, both ASP JavaScript and ASP VBScript. was written with a combination of both of these flavors of the language.

4: Graphic Design
As you can probably tell from the sheer look of the resume and areas of expertise, I am an excellent graphic designer. I have made icons and glyphs for a number of my programs. Look at any of the web sites I have made. 99% of the images on their interface I made myself*.
* Not including user-submitted images

I can make virtually any web site dream come true, using state-of-the-art tecnhiques such as layers and dynamic HTML. I also have a vast knowledge of other tags such as tables, formatting, etc. Look at - it speaks for itself.

6: Visual Basic 6
Visual Basic 6 provides a quick way to make powerful programs. I am affluent in this language and can apply it to virtually any task.

7: Flash
I enjoy making visually appealing flash intros. They can utilize ActionScript to its fullest extent, and look great in most browsers that support Flash.
Click here to see a sample...


Imagine the perfect application, be it web, database, or desktop. Make this dream reality by selecting me to do your Rent a Coder project. I have done a variety of other programs and web sites.

1: - The Ultimate Teen Community.
This site used a lot of server-side scripting and SQL database work, all done by me. It also has a full administration backend which administrators, when logged in, can use to change nearly every aspect of the site.

2: Net Explorer 6
Net Explorer sets the standard for the internet, offering almost every feature you could possibly imagine, yet customizable enough for the advanced user. Net Explorer offers hundreds more features than any other browser to make it more reliable, secure, and easy to use. But don't take my word for it - install it free today, and begin experiencing the internet as it should be.
Click here to install it now using InstallFromTheWeb... Click here to view screen shots...
Click here to download a setup program...

Top Coder Competition Raw Score
Average Job Size
Average Coder Rating
Number of Completed Jobs
Penalty for Missed Status Reports Warnings *
(0 warnings x 1000 penalty) = 0
  Raw Score Total: 4,060

* Penalty rule enacted on 10/8/2001 and applies only to warnings sent after that date.
Note: all top coder competition stats are only updated once a day between midnight and 1:00 EDT.
Rent A Coder Work History
All ratings and comments are the opinion of the poster and do not reflect the official view of Rent A Coder.

Rated For Rated By Rating Bid Amount Rated On
  Simple ASP Website Modifications Alan Jones 10
$65.00 June 15, 2003 7:02:28 PM EDT
  Delphi Project Alan Jones 10
$7.00 June 15, 2003 7:01:04 PM EDT
  HSH Mini Sites ( Addon) HighSchoolHumor 10
$34.00 May 4, 2003 9:01:39 PM EDT
  Ben was an excellent coder. He amazes me each and every time we work together. What I love about this coder is the fact he not only does what is asked of him, but will take the energy and time to prove his commitment by going above and beyond my expectations. He suggests his own ideas and improves upon mine.

I recommend Ben to anyone who wants quality work completed in an extremely efficient and cost-effective manner. I've rated this coder a 10 for his A+ work!
  NEW TEEN COMMUNITY! HighSchoolHumor None Given $299.97 April 13, 2003 8:03:25 PM EDT
Average:   10.00
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