About Edyaddamm
(see ratings)
in Iasi, Iasi
Seller / Coder Rating:
Not rated yet.
Sign up date:
Mar 18, 2003 8:03:45 AM EDT
Last Logged In:
Aug 1, 2003 10:39:34 AM EDT
Jobs Started:
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Arbitrations Lost: |
0 (out of 0 Arbitrations)
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Areas Of Expertise:
*Translating (all levels, all fields in Romanian, English, French) * Translating software * Copywriting (creating company slogans) *General system configuration ,administration and troubleshooting (MS-DOS and Windows only) *Web design HTML and Javascript (some Flash too) *Image and animation design and editing (photo editing, logo/banner creation, graphic design) *Audio editing *Artificial intelligence developpment (AIML) *Programming: Pascal, Delphi Z80 BASIC, Z80 Machine code (Assembler)
I am 23 years old, and currently a senior student of the Faculty of Letters, specialized in translation studies ,Computer- aided learning and Computer -aided translation. Since 1999 I have collaborated with many companies in projects involving human and automated translation and translation software developpment. In the past year I also have worked as a copywriter and logo/banner designer for a local advertising company.
Rent A Coder Work History
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