About AlexanderMinza
Areas Of Expertise:
- Microsoft .NET Framework, C#.NET, ASP.NET, Windows Forms, Platform Invoke services - intermediate (2 years)
- Microsoft Visual Basic 5, 6, WinAPI - advanced (5 years)
- Microsoft Visual C++ 5, 6, MFC, WinAPI - intermediate (2 years)
- Microsoft IIS 6, ASP, ADO, SQL Server - beginner
- HTML, XHTML, XML, JavaScript, VBScript - advanced
- Adobe Photoshop 6, 7 - advanced
- Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition, Microsoft Windows Advanced Server 2000, Active Directory - beginner
- Microsoft Windows 9x, XP Pro administration - advanced
- Microsoft Office 2000, XP - advanced (VBA programming, Access, Word, Excel, FrontPage)
- RedHat Linux 7 - intermediate
Curriculum Vitae
Name: Alexander Minza Date of birth: 08 Jan 1982
- Faculty of Computer Science, "Alexandru I. Cuza" University, Iasi, Romania. (3rd year, will graduate in July 2004)
- "M. Eminescu" lyceum, math - computer science, Balti, Republic of Moldova
- FNGraph - Graphing and analyzing mathematical functions
- Hi-Tech - High technologies and their influence on mankind. Science fiction, quotes, phrases of the known people
- UnreadEmailCount - POP3 email checker. Written in C# with Visual Studio .NET 2003 for .NET Framework 1.1 and Windows XP
- MSDN Academic Alliance Program Administrator at the Faculty of Computer Science, Iasi
- Memeber of Microsoft Team @ Faculty of Computer Science Iasi
- 16-17 May 2002 - <WEB />.NET speaker with "Languages in .NET"
- March 2002 - Microsoft Romania DevDays 2002
- Romanian - native
- Russian - very good
- English - very good
- German, French - basic knowledge
Top Coder Competition Raw Score
Average Job Size |
Average Coder Rating |
Number of Completed Jobs |
Penalty for Missed Status Reports Warnings * |
$44.67 |
x |
10 |
x |
3 |
- |
(0 warnings x 1000 penalty) = 0 |
Raw Score Total: 1,340
* Penalty rule enacted on 10/8/2001 and applies only to warnings sent after that date.
Note: all top coder competition stats are only updated once a day between midnight and 1:00 EDT.
Rent A Coder Work History
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