About CVIP
(see 3 ratings)
in Cairo, Cairo
Seller / Coder Rating:
Sign up date:
Feb 20, 2003 11:08:30 AM EDT
Last Logged In:
Jul 7, 2003 4:39:05 AM EDT
Jobs Started:
Jobs Completed:
Missed Status Report Warnings Issued:
Arbitrations Lost: |
2 (out of 2 Arbitrations)
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Areas Of Expertise:
C/C++, Visual Basic, ASP, Perl, FrontPage, Excel and Office VBA, JavaScripts, VBScript, Adobe PhotoShops, Acrobat's PDF ( getting it out of my apps instead of those .txt and .rtf ;) )
I've yet that new career. I made a lot of projects to mention. But the most two interesting really was an Excel application which was really responsible for getting out the results of a certain faculty with nearly 25 output forms, and not less than 300 student per department and nearly 10 departments. The other great thing, not that huge but yet great enough, was a computer simulator which includs a parser and an assembler with a debugger and the capability of having each microinstruction executed seperatly, and showing off the all working 'organs' of the processor.
Also, something really fantastic about that career of me were those few great websites I've just performed in them as much optimized as possible.. fast site, meaningful graphics, animations, and much java scripts... this is really originated from my love to that "design-art"...
Something at last you wish to know, that I'm a Visual Basic fan, I'm one of those who believe that you can do whatever "windowed" thing you want using this RAD environment ( Rapid Application Development )... just so much to mention are those projects I've made using this magic wand VB... Most of them were just to make something like some another application I have... one of these things are to make a WordPad... come on, don't say it's so easy.. I mean making this without even a mention to that Rich control... and guess what, just soo simple, and yet more flexible than those ready-made ocx...
Something else about me, just in case you heard about IBM, it was sponsoring the ACM contest and I've shared in my regional contest, we were battling with minds! me and two other coders ( two of those we have just something to say about their minds! :| ) and we really started the battle on, and just advanced to some sort of semi-finals, but just some another team just were able to win the battle over with just few more steps in advance ;) but really, it was great for me to feel that my work could be appreciated by someone... just like the case here in RAC, I was really staring my bids with those small ones just to make sure I'm yet accepted, and look what I got, I'm just 20 years old, and just working with some great other Coders! wish I could express something about me here, more than just that little well-studying student :)
At last simply I hope to prove my career here in this great site...and much thanks for your time :)
Rent A Coder Work History
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