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About dato

Name:  dato
(see 2 ratings)
  in Tbilisi, Tbilisi

Seller / Coder Rating:  10 (Excellent)
Sign up date:  Dec 21, 2002 11:58:08 AM EDT
Jobs Started:  7
Jobs Completed:  4
Missed Status Report Warnings Issued:  0
Last Logged In:  1/17/2003 10:50:00 AM

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Areas Of Expertise: 
Programming Languages C, C++, Perl, Python, Java, Object Pascal, 80/86 Assembler (MASM, TASM)
Operating Systems FreeBSD, Linux, Microsoft Windows NT (2000, XP)
Compilers and Tools GNU family of compilers (gcc, g++, gcj), Microsoft Visual Studio (VC++ 6.0), Borland Delphi 3.0-5.0 (Databases, OLE/ActiveX, Component Writing, Socket Programming, WinAPI), Sun Microsystems JDK 1.1.2, Borland Jbuilder 2.0 (Applets - Applications, AWT package), FreePascal Compiler (FPC) for Linux, Macro Assembler, Turbo Assembler. Debuggers - gdb, Turbo Debugger, NuMega Soft Ice. Profilers: gprof, Turbo Profiler. Parser Generators: Lex/Yacc (bison).
Libraries & APIs C / C++ Perl / Python
UNIX/POSIX MS Windows Mime::Tools (RFC-822 MIME Messages parsing and processing), curses package, HTML::Template, Cheetah Template, omniPy (omniORB implementation for Python), DBI database interface. CGI.
pthread package -POSIX threads (locking, mutexes, semaphores). IPC - (Inter Process Communication) pipes, shared memory, messages. Berkeley sockets API (TCP/IP, UNIX sockets), BDB - Berkeley database API (both C/C++). ncurses, readline. MySQL C API, MySQL++. Cgicc. WinAPI, OLE/ActiveX - basic interfaces. WinSock 2.0 - Windows sockets API. TAPI 2.0/3.0 - Telephony Application Programming Interface.
Text Editors Emacs, Vi, Yudit (Unicode text editor)
Advanced Technologies RPC (for UNIX), CORBA (omniORB, ORBit, VisiBroker), COM/OLE/ActiveX, DCOM, ISO8583 Bank Card Originated Messages parsing and processing
Unix Programs and Tools Shells: bash, csh. Mail/Ftp/WWW: sendmail (source level), Apache Web-Server (source level) - suexec, mod_perl, mod_python, wu-ftpd (source level). RADIUS: icradius (source level). DataBases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, General: grep, sed, awk…

David Mishelashvili
Birthdate: 3-Nov-1978

Key Projects (visit them online)

1. WWW.POSTA.GE - Free Georgian Web-Mail Server. The most popular web-mail service in Georgia. Entirely written in Perl. Based on PostgreSQL Database System and running under Linux operating system.
2. CARD.SANET.GE - SaNet&'s Rechargeable Internet-Card System. Real-time RADIUS billing system plus interactive payment system based on magnetic cards and POS (Point Of Service) Terminals. The whole system is implemented in C++ under FreeBSD operating system. RDBMS is MySQL with its C++ API (MySQL++).


Three years experience of working as Senior Software Engineer. Programming for UNIX-like operating systems (FreeBSD, Linux) in C and C++ programming languages (Real time billing, TCP/IP network applications, system utilities). Designed and implemented CGI scripts for web-sites in Perl and Python. Extensive experience with Open Source Database Systems (MySQL, PostgreSQL) and SQL language. Have successfully used CORBA distributed technology in several projects (with omniORB and VisiBroker - Object Request Brokers).


Dec 1999 - present: SaNet LTD. (Tbilisi) - The Leading Internet Service Provider in Georgia.
Senior Software Engineer - Main duties include Designing, developing and maintaining various software systems for company. Modifying existing code of several open-source software (RADIUS - server, Apache Web-Server, wu-ftpd).
Environment and tools: UNIX-like operating systems (FreeBSD, Linux), GNU Project C/C++ compiler, other GNU development tools (gdb, gprof, emacs). Shells: bash, csh. Scripting: Perl, Python.


Tbilisi State University (Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science): 2000-2002

Master in Computer Science
Master&'s Course, Speciality of System Programmer and Network Systems Programmer. The course was finished with honors.

Tbilisi State University (Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science): 1996-2000

Bachelor in Computer Science
Bachelor&'s Course, Speciality of System Programmer. The course was finished with honors.

Tbilisi Secondary School №67: 1985-1996

Awards received

National Programming Contest of Georgia (Awarded by the National Department of Informatization)

Date Type Place Award
2000 - Summer Team Competition * 1-2 1st class diploma
2000 - Autumn Team Competition * 2-3 3rd class diploma
2001 - Summer Team Competition * 2 2nd class diploma
2001 - Summer Individual 3 2nd class diploma

* - Member of the Tbilisi State University Team


 Brainbench certified C programmer.
 Brainbench certified Delphi programmer.


English (oral) Fluent
English (technical) Perfect
Russian Perfect
Georgian Native


Self-motivated, able to work under pressure and to tight deadlines, both on own initiative and in a team. Ready to accept job, which will require full use of my knowledge and skills, and allow further professional growth.

Top Coder Competition Raw Score
Average Job Size
Average Coder Rating
Number of Completed Jobs
Penalty for Missed Status Reports Warnings *
(0 warnings x 1000 penalty) = 0
  Raw Score Total: 4,000

* Penalty rule enacted on 10/8/2001 and applies only to warnings sent after that date.
Rent A Coder Work History
This list shows all bid requests completed by the coder. This includes bid requests where the coder was both rated and not rated.

Rated For Rated By Rating Bid Amount Rated On
  Bonus for dato on 2/9/2003 1:31:59 PM glenmac None Given $50.00 February 9, 2003 1:35:18 PM EDT
  Bonus for dato on 1/28/2003 9:35:19 AM glenmac None Given $100.00 January 28, 2003 9:37:23 AM EDT
  Bonus for dato on 1/19/2003 4:48:14 PM glenmac None Given $50.00 January 19, 2003 4:51:26 PM EDT
  New Telnet Software RyanCom 10
$150.00 January 18, 2003 6:47:04 PM EDT
  Great help in my project!
  CGI Email Verify Program glenmac 10
$200.00 January 15, 2003 1:17:40 PM EDT
  This guy ROCKS
Average:   10

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