About Patilan
(see ratings)
in Burgas, Burgas
Seller / Coder Rating:
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Sign up date:
Dec 16, 2002 3:39:37 PM EDT
Last Logged In:
Jul 31, 2003 2:10:33 PM EDT
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//Examples:Delphi procedure TForm1.MnuCopyFileClick(Sender: TObject); type P=^TDropFiles; var RetData:PDataOfClipbrdCopyedItem; i:integer; hData:cardinal; nSize:cardinal; pDropFiles:P; pData:PChar; szFiles:string; begin RetData:=PDataOfClipbrdCopyedItem(StringGrid1.Objects[0,StringGrid1.Row]); if (RetData <> nil) and (GridMultiSelected = True) then begin for i:=0 to StringGrid1.RowCount - 1 do begin RetData:=PDataOfClipbrdCopyedItem(StringGrid1.Objects[0,i]); if (RetData <> nil) and (RetData^.RowSelected = True) then begin if (RetData^.ClipboardFormatID = Global.Folder) or (RetData^.ClipboardFormatID = Global.Fail) then begin szFiles:=szFiles + RetData^.path + #0; end; end; end; szFiles:=szFiles + #0; end else begin if (RetData^.ClipboardFormatID = Global.Folder) or (RetData^.ClipboardFormatID = Global.Fail) then begin if RetData^.RowSelected = True then szFiles:=RetData^.path + #0#0; end; end; Clipboard.Open; Clipboard.Clear; nSize:=SizeOf(DROPFILES) + Length(szFiles)+ SizeOf(Char); hData:=GlobalAlloc(GHND,nSize); pDropFiles:=GlobalLock(hData); pDropFiles^.pFiles:=SizeOf(TDropFiles); pDropFiles^.fWide:=false; pData:=PChar(pDropFiles)+ SizeOf(TDropFiles); CopyMemory(pData,PChar(szFiles),Length(szFiles)+ SizeOf(Char)); GlobalUnlock(hData); SetClipboardData(CF_HDROP,hData); Clipboard.Close; if FrmOptions.ChkExecExplorerAfterCopyed.Checked = True then begin if FindWindow(PChar('ExploreWClass'),PChar(#0)) <> 0 then begin ShowWindow(FindWindow(PChar('ExploreWClass'),PChar(#0)),SW_RESTRE); end else begin ShellExecute(Self.Handle,'explore',PChar('C:\'),nil,nil,SW_SHOWNORMAL); end; end; if FrmOptions.ChkMinimezedAfterCopied.Checked = True then begin Application.Minimize(); end; end;
Delphi,Visual Basic,API,ADO
Rent A Coder Work History
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