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Cobol conversion
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About rediffusion

Name:  rediffusion
(see 6 ratings)
  in New Delhi, NCR Delhi

Seller / Coder Rating:  8.5 (Very Good)
Sign up date:  Oct 30, 2002 12:11:44 PM EDT
Last Logged In:  Jun 30, 2003 2:39:15 PM EDT
Jobs Started:  8
Jobs Completed:  7
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Areas Of Expertise: 
ColdFusion,SQL Server,Servlets,Visual Basic,XML,Apache Struts Framework,IBM WebSphere.Oracle 9i Applicaiton Server

Name:Jayant Bardia
Experience : 3yrs
Projects exececuted:
Previously worked with the largest software company in india,i had a major role to play in the execution of the following projects:
1)Interim Internet Soution(IIS):This project was designed to provide an internet platform for a leading investment banker to integrate his legacy system based custody business with the internet interface.his project used the latest Apache Struts Framework and was based on J2EE framework.
Database used was Oracle8i.
2)Asset Servicing Transformation(AST):This web based project was also designed for a leading banker to integrate his asset servicing with an intranet based third party product.
Based on J2EE architecture it made heavy usage of EJB,Servlets,JSP's.It used CTG(CICS Transaction Gateway) to connect with the third party product.Oracle 8i was used as the database.

3) Implementation of VAT(Vaue Added Tax) for New Delhi Government: Providing a solution to delhi govt on the implementation of IT system for the new Tax system. The project goal is to provide an end-to-end solution(Hardware/software/networking) to the client. The system will run on a hybrid network(optical fiber/utp cables), USING ibm rs6000 on AIX.The software platform uses J2EE on oracle 9i Application server.The software architechture is based on the MVC(MOdel View COntroller) architecture and integrates the BC4J component(Business Component for java) provided by Oracle seamlessly with the architecture. My role in the entire project is to design and development of the architecture of the entire system using MVC,servlets,jsps,ejbs and xml parsers.

Other Projects worked on
1)Project: Octochem Online Ordering System Duration: 2 months Profile: This is a B2B website exclusively catering to online transactions of chemical samples for various applications. It facilitates online inventory, product and order management. It also helps in report generation and shipment tracking. Integration with third party API&'s to provide mailing and real time shipping information. This system is mounted on IIS (version 5.0), uses ASP, VB script and ActiveX Controls as the server side tools and SQL Server 2000 as the database.
2)Project: Walk in the Mall Shopping Site Wizard Duration: 3 months Profile: This is B2B software that would help a particular customer create his/her own shopping site. This software comes with its own set of both front end and back end store management features. Designed with ASP, VBScript, ActiveX controls and hosted on IIS (5.0). The salient features includes a)Product, Inventory, Order Management complete with report generation, supplier management and store settings. b)Multiple payment processing, online shipping rates, currency conversion and Mail API support c)Dual Database support (SQL Server2000 and MS-Access) d)Foreign currency and language support e)QuickBooks data integration f)Store backup and import feature g)Ability to import new themes, template management h)Affiliate program and associates tracking
3)Project: Ticketing Software (Under Construction) Duration: 2 months Profile: This is a workflow management system for small and medium scale enterprises. This software is strictly a role-based system with a third eye approach towards task completion. This project is designed using ASP.Net and SQL Server 2000 as the database.This project involved designing the initial workflow and the prototype of the system.

Rent A Coder Work History
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Rated For Rated By Rating Bid Amount Rated On
  web site design question (for rediffusion) metrique 10
$27.00 June 16, 2003 5:43:52 PM EDT
  I had some questions and they were answered thoroughly and clearly. Rediffusion went beyond the minimum requirements and made several suggestions that were very helpful.
  Bonus for rediffusion on 5/18/2003 8:38:35 AM redux None Given $15.00 May 18, 2003 8:40:27 AM EDT
  Assignment on E-commerce and web management redux 10
$40.00 May 18, 2003 8:35:25 AM EDT
  A+ perfect work, would use again.
  Glossary Program Ian Ippolito (RAC) 3
$15.00 May 4, 2003 3:05:17 PM EDT
  The coder knew going into the project that there was a very tight deadline. The coder was unable to complete the project by the deadline.
  Bonus for rediffusion on 3/24/2003 10:14:40 AM WesMorgan None Given $40.00 March 24, 2003 10:15:45 AM EDT
  ASP Project WesMorgan 10
$10.00 March 24, 2003 10:14:28 AM EDT
  Excellent communication, top notch work and completed proior to deadline. A++++ Work!!!!!
  Reporting tool-fix safrica2 8
(Very Good)
$150.00 March 23, 2003 1:33:52 PM EDT
  web servers in a computer network Triple 10
$35.00 March 4, 2003 9:24:14 AM EDT
Average:   8.50
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