About M. Adkins
M. Adkins
(see 1 ratings)
in Middleburg, Florida
United States
Seller / Coder Rating:
Sign up date:
Jun 8, 2003 9:15:24 AM EDT
Last Logged In:
Jul 9, 2003 9:55:50 PM EDT
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Areas Of Expertise:
¨ Visual Basic 5/6 (inc. classes / ActiveX) - 4 yrs ¨ MS Access / VBA / DAO / ADO - 6 yrs ¨ SQL (general) - 6 yrs ¨ Crystal Reports 7/8.5 - 1 yr ¨ C / C++ Programming - 1 yr (academic) ¨ MS Office (95 - XP) - 7 yrs ¨ MS Access Project files / MSDE - 2 yrs ¨ HTML - 3 yrs ¨ Visio - 2 yrs ¨ Java - .5 yrs (academic)
Summary of Experience: In 6 years as a Business Systems Programmer / Analyst, developed and maintained software applications for Aetna Insurance in Jacksonville, Florida.
Business Information Specialist, February 2000 to present Responsible for the development and maintenance of VB-based and Access / VBA-based applications. Perform all phases of the development lifecycle, interfacing directly with end users and management. Develop reports using Crystal Reports and Access. Provide documentation, training, and ongoing support for users.
¨ Improved the response time of the Prudential Tracking and BIR (Audit) application by 80%.
¨ Created specifications for and programmed the Aetna PDM Tracking Tool from the ground up using VB6 and Access, effectively consolidating all major pre-existing work tracking mechanisms and processes; this allowed national turnaround time and productivity metrics and objectives to be established.
¨ Recreated the PDM and Contract Entry Audit Tools in order to bring the application in line with national auditing policies, successfully migrating old data into the new data file structure for historical reporting.
¨ Developed reports for the Provider Contract Tracking Application in Crystal Reports v7.0 and v8.5; also created the SQL views for the SQL Server back-end.
¨ Successfully maintained greater than 99.5% up-time for all applications for which I was responsible.
Business Systems Analyst, November 1997 to February 2000 Identified process improvement opportunities within the Prudential HealthCare billing division on a national level. Created new and modified existing VB, Access/VBA, and Excel applications that supported various internal processes. Acted as the Jacksonville division's primary technical resource for desktop-based applications.
¨ Created the National Suspense Database (NSDB), which tracked suspended premium receipts nationally. The NSDB reduced the time spent on national reporting by one half FTE (approximately $15,000 / yr), and enabled the Jacksonville Service Center to lower its 30-day-plus suspense amount from over $20 million to under $1.5 million.
¨ Created the Transmittals Database, which effectively streamlined communication between the accounting team and the billing team.
¨ Served as a technical resource in the development and maintenance of the national Client Database, Overdue Premium, and Full-Time Student Eligibility applications.
¨ Designed and implemented BOSS, an Access / VBA based application that tracked billing piecework throughout the reconciliation process. The application combined user input and data imported via TSO FTP with complex matching logic to match bills, payments, billing adjustments, and caseworker assignments.
¨ Established links between various applications to enhance data consistency between different teams of the billing division, and to allow for advanced reporting and analysis.
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